Support TAG | Alerta This Giving Tuesday!
Your gift to TAG | ALERTA helps Boston’s Latino students and English Language Learners succeed academically, socially, and personally.
Support Us
Here are some ways you can become involved with TAG | Alerta. For other ideas or for more information, please call/text the TAG | ALERTA Office at 857.301.7850.
- Donate: In these times of budget cuts, the TAG | ALERTA Program is in need of financial support more than ever! We welcome all donations, large or small. Your donations are tax-deductible, and can be made out to "TAG | ALERTA Program." Use the link below to donate and select Additional Comments/Special Instructions and write in "TAG | ALERTA Program". Your donations is given to the Mauricio Gastón Institute which oversees the TAG | ALERTA Program and will ensure the funds are used for the program. Corporate matching gifts are welcome! You can also donate to TAG | ALERTA by sponsoring a fundraising event. If you are a foundation/corporation interested in learning more about the TAG | ALERTA Program, we welcome the opportunity to submit a proposal for funding.
- Become a student:TAG | ALERTA students benefit from holistic programming and are guaranteed admission to UMass Boston with successful completion of high school. TAG | ALERTA also offers many leadership development opportunities within every component, which can lead to a summer job or even a career, as it has done for many TAG | ALERTA students and Alumni! If you are interested in becoming a TAG | ALERTA student, please contact our office or email us; if possible, please include which component you interests you in particular. Our School Year Academies and Summer Program are free!
- Become a mentor: Mentoring is a proven method of motivating students and increasing their likelihood of academic and social success. Through a structured relationship with a TAG | ALERTA student ages 12-20, you, a caring and responsible adult, will provide access to people places and things outside the student's routine environment. You will become a friend, advisor, guide, and a positive role model that will provide the support, motivation, and follow-up to help the student maximize on their potential. The benefits are great for mentors as well, as you become a part of a very close community of Latinx professionals who are resources to the program, students and each other. You do not have to be Latinx to be a mentor, but knowledge, understanding, and appreciate of the Latinx culture and its people is important!
- Volunteer in other capacities: Whether you have just one day to donate your time, or a full month, there are many ways your help can positively impact our student's lives. Maybe you can be a guest speaker, and share your story of success, whether it be connected to your current profession or otherwise! Maybe you can offer the program a valuable training or workshop session! Maybe you want to tutor students and earn volunteer hours! Whatever your interest is, and whatever your talents and gifts are, we welcome the opportunity for you to share them with TAG | ALERTA. Please, give us a call or email us!
- Join Team TAG | ALERTA: Seasonally, the TAG | ALERTA Program employs highly qualified Boston Public School teachers, teaching assistants, and tutors who have experience working with the Latinx and immigrant student community. Many teachers, TAs and tutors are Latinx or Cape Verdean, and all understand and appreciate the students' cultures and the value they add to the classroom. Teaching assistants in Summer TAG | ALERTA and in the academies are high school students in grades 11 and 12 or college students, most of whom are TAG | ALERTA alumni; tutors are college students and TAG | ALERTA alumni. Teaching assistants and tutors provide students with relatable role models and act as mentors to students. One of the greatest strengthens of the program is its excellent staff, most of whom have been with the program for several years, and all of whom are committed to continually improving the quality of services to TAG | ALERTA students. If you are interested in joining Team TAG | ALERTA, please submit your resume to our email account and indicating your subject area of expertise, highlighting your experience with Latino/ELL/urban youth, and indicating the component of TAG | ALERTA in which you are interested.
Contact Us
Main Phone Number: 857.301.7850 (call or text)
Secondary Phone Number: 617.287.7638 (call only)
Email: TAG@umb.edu
If you cannot reach us, please leave a voicemail, text message or email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125
Offices: Healey Library 10th Floor & Wheatley 4th Floor RM 172