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Career, Research, & Post-Baccalaureate Opportunities
We at the Student Success Center have information on a number of great career and research opportunities for undergraduate students as well as post-baccalaureate opportunities.
- CSM Student Research: Learn about the innovative research that is presented at The Annual CSM Student Showcase At the Showcase, undergraduate and graduate students who have worked under the guidance of, and in collaboration with CSM faculty mentors, present their exciting research findings. Prepare to be inspired!
- Faculty-Based Research. We are Boston's only public research University. Our dedicated faculty are actively seeking innovations in the vast world of Science and Mathematics. Learn more about your professor’s work on their faculty profile. After you have more knowledge about what your professor is working on, you can express interest in assisting with their research in person, or via email.
- Love Science and Math? Teach It. Learn more at the U-Teach website.
- Internships / Off-Campus Opportunities: Visit the Academic and Career Engagement and Success (ACES) Center and the Venture Development Center to learn about current internship offerings.
- Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center - UMass Boston Partnership is an active advocate for student training. Visit our website for more details.
- Engineering Faculty Research
- Current job openings for Biology Majors (Handshake)
- Current job openings for CSM Students (Handshake)
Practical Career Resource Links
- Massachusetts Life Sciences Career Information and Resources
- Career One Stop: STEM Career Cluster
- Explore Health Careers
- The Career Village
- What Can I Do With A Major In
- What is Job Crafting (article)
- Fastest-Growing Careers
- Highest-Paying Careers
- Fastest-Growing Industries
- Highest-Paying Industries
Scholarship Opportunities
Alton Brann Scholarship: To fund scholarships for undergraduate students who have completed a minimum of 30 credits, but not more than 90, and who are majoring in Biology, Biology Medical Technology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
Ella Brehm Scholarship: To provide scholarship assistance to students with demonstrable financial need majoring in chemistry, mathematics/computer science, physics, physical anthropology, psychology, or biology. Must be a graduate of Boston Public Schools and a Massachusetts resident with 30 credits or less earned at UMass Boston with a grade point average of 3.0 or better. This award will be for the upcoming fall semester.
Northrop Grumman Scholarship: To fund not more than two scholarships of equal value for third- and fourth-year undergraduate students majoring in mathematics, computer science, or any physical science. Selection will be based on scholastic achievement and character. Financial need will not be a primary factor. Ordinarily, the scholarship will be renewable. This award is for the upcoming fall semester.
Biology Professor’s Fund: The fund is established for the support of UMass Boston students pursuing an undergraduate degree in biology with preference given to students who are veterans or active-duty members of the military. Students shall have completed their sophomore year and have demonstrated a record of persistence and academic accomplishment in progress toward their degree.
The Paul English Fund: The purpose of the Fund will be to provide scholarship support to one or more talented full-time students in Computer Science who demonstrate financial need and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.2.
CSM Enrichment Opportunities
View our listings of past and present research opportunities along with STEM orientated career events and workshops.
Center for Personalized Cancer Therapy
UMass Boston is home of the CPCT research team, which includes faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate students, helps investigators and clinicians analyze samples, identify genetic variants contributing to disease risk, and reveal complex mechanisms involved in human disease.
Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program
The mission of the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program is designed to provide opportunities for undergraduates from disadvantaged backgrounds especially from underrepresented academic groups (Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans/Alaska Natives/Pacific Islanders) to excel at the undergraduate level in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM), progress toward doctoral degrees, and undertake careers in college and university teaching.
Research is an important part of the program with McNair students pursuing a year of independent research under the supervision of a faculty mentor. This mentor is usually a faculty member at the University of Massachusetts Boston, but may also be from a hospital research laboratory or from another research institution. This research experience culminates with each participant giving an oral or poster presentation at a Scientific Conference, and also to the Scientific Community at the University of Massachusetts Boston.
Students also may submit their research findings to journals within the participant’s discipline for publication. Students enrolled in the McNair Program form peer support groups, tutelage academic and career counseling, and take part in a variety of cultural, educational and social activities.
Chemistry Careers & Research Opportunities
The Department of Chemistry currently has 11 research-active faculty members, whose scholarship extends across all major areas of chemistry and biochemistry. Six tracks are offered in the PhD program, two interdisciplinary PhD tracks include members of the Department, and the Department also offers vibrant MS and BS/MS programs. In addition, all BS chemistry majors are required to complete a capstone research project during their senior year that includes at least one year of mentored research. All research labs are located on the 3rd floor of the Integrated Sciences Complex.
U-Teach: A complementary skill-set for all STEM majors is knowing how to teach others, regardless of a student’s career trajectory. Knowing how to teach others is a transferable skill, even for those who are not going into the field of education. Consider the U-Teach Program where you can take INTR-D 170, Introduction to inquiry-based teaching, and EDCU 270, Knowing and Learning in Science and Math. For more information about UTeach, see our website https://www.umb.edu/uteach
What can I do with a Chemistry degree? Learn about related skills, career planning links, and professional associations.
Chemistry Department website: Research Focuses
Center for Green Chemistry website.
Course Number | Student Population |
Credits | Description | On or Off Campus |
Chem 481 & Chem 482 |
First-year, sophomores, |
1-4 credits (variable) |
Faculty-led research group |
Primarily on-campus; off campus is possible with faculty liaison |
Chem 498 & Chem 499 |
Senior Chemistry |
2 | Research + one-hour cohort meeting |
On-campus |
BioChem 491 & BioChem 492 |
Open to all students |
1-6 (variable) | Faculty-led research group (required for honors) |
Primarily on-campus; off campus is possible with faculty liaison |
Biology Careers & Research Opportunities
The Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) is a year-round, research-based, skill-building mentoring program for undergraduates who are interested in research careers. Funded by the National Institutes of Health, prepares students from underrepresented or disadvantaged backgrounds to enter PhD programs in the biomedical sciences. Students from all CSM majors are welcome to apply. For more information, see IMSD
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) in Integrative and Evolutionary Biology is a 10-week summer program funded by the National Science Foundation. Students engage in intensive research experiences in the laboratories of Biology faculty, while participating in professional development and community building activities. For more information, see REU
What can I do with a Biology degree? Learn about related skills, career planning links, and professional associations.
U-Teach. A complementary skill-set for all STEM majors is knowing how to teach others, regardless of a student’s career trajectory. Knowing how to teach others is a transferable skill, even for those who are not going into the field of education. Consider the U-Teach Program where you can take INTR-D 170, Introduction to inquiry-based teaching, and EDCU 270, Knowing and Learning in Science and Math. For more information about UTeach, see our website https://www.umb.edu/uteach
Other Experiential Learning Opportunities: Upper-level biology opportunities range from 3-6 credits. Most of these experiences are unpaid but sometimes can be funded through faculty grants. both of these opportunities require faculty approval and supervision. Speak with a faculty member if you are interested in enrolling as each faculty member has a different approval process.
Course Number | Student Population | Credits | Description | On or Off Campus |
Biol 478 & Biol 479 | Upper level Juniors & Seniors |
3 credits per semester (3 credits can count for one biology lab requirement) |
Independent Study with faculty |
On-Campus |
Biol 444 | Limited participation. Talk to a faculty member. |
3-6 credits (does not count towards major requirements) |
Cooperative Education (six month work placement) |
Off-Campus |
Physics Careers & Research Opportunities
The Department of Physics at UMass Boston and its collaborators lead both theoretical and experimental research across a variety of fields with a unifying focus on nonequilibrium processes. Two main strengths of the department are biophysics and quantum sciences.
What can I do with a Physics degree? Learn about related skills, career planning links, and professional associations.
Careers in Physics presentation from ACES.
A complementary skill-set for all STEM majors is knowing how to teach others, regardless of a student’s career trajectory. Knowing how to teach others is a transferable skill, even for those who are not going into the field of education. Consider the U-Teach Program where you can take INTR-D 170, Introduction to inquiry-based teaching, and EDCU 270, Knowing and Learning in Science and Math. For more information about UTeach, see our website https://www.umb.edu/uteach
Engineering Careers & Research Opportunities
Engineering combines mathematics and scientific principles to solve real-world problems. Everything we use in our daily lives has been influenced by engineers: cars, bridges, airplanes, computers, televisions, and smartphones.
Within the broad field of engineering, there are a wide variety of disciplines that focus on different aspects of the engineering. At UMass Boston, we currently offer degrees in two engineering specialties: electrical engineering and computer engineering.
The Electrical and Computer Engineering Programs at UMass Boston are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
A complementary skill-set for all STEM majors is knowing how to teach others, regardless of a student’s career trajectory. Knowing how to teach others is a transferable skill, even for those who are not going into the field of education. Consider the U-Teach Program where you can take INTR-D 170, Introduction to inquiry-based teaching, and EDCU 270, Knowing and Learning in Science and Math. For more information about UTeach, see our website https://www.umb.edu/uteach
Learn more about the Engineering majors and what to do with a degree in Engineering!
Read more about Engineering Careers & Research Opportunities »
Computer Science Careers & Research Oportunities
The Department of Computer Science at UMass Boston is home to a vast array of ongoing research projects and faculty who are actively participating in research initiatives. Visit the CS Internal website to learn more.
What can I do with a Computer Science degree? Learn about related skills, career planning links, and professional associations .
A complementary skill-set for all STEM majors is knowing how to teach others, regardless of a student’s career trajectory. Knowing how to teach others is a transferable skill, even for those who are not going into the field of education. Consider the U-Teach Program where you can take INTR-D 170, Introduction to inquiry-based teaching, and EDCU 270, Knowing and Learning in Science and Math. For more information about UTeach, see our website https://www.umb.edu/uteach
Fellowships are funded reseach and study opportunities that can last from a few weeks to a few years. They can be focused on professional, academic and/or personal development. Connect with the UMB Office of National and International Fellowships to start your fellowship journey.
Explore STEM Careers
The U.S. Department of Labor is a tremendous resource to attain accurate data correlating to employment prospects and salaries for those working in STEM. The U.S. Department of Labors “Career One Stop” allows STEM students to explore the most beneficial career options that relate to your field of study.
Recent CSM graduates are currently working in a variety of roles such as analytical chemists, research associates, quality engineers, and consulting analysts.
Click here to learn more about career exploration from CSM faculty.
Post-Baccalaureate STEM Opportunities at UMass Boston
Master's Programs at UMass Boston
- Applied Physics, MS
- Biology, MS
- Biotechnology and Biomedical Science, MS
- Biotechnology Professional's Masters, PSM
- Chemistry, MS
- Computer Science, MS
- Information Technology, MS
Doctoral Programs at UMass Boston
- Applied Physics, PhD
- Enviornmental Biology, PhD
- Molecular, Cellular, and Organismal Biology (MCOB), PhD
- Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (BMEBT), PhD
- Chemistry, PhD (Biological Track)
- Chemistry, PhD (Chemistry Education Research Track)
- Chemistry, PhD (Green Track)
- Chemistry, PhD (Inorganic Track)
- Chemistry, PhD (Organic Track)
- Chemistry, PhD (Physical/Analytical Track)
- Computational Sciences (CSci), PhD
- Computer Science, PhD
- Integrative Biosciences (IB), PhD