UMass Boston

Clearance Requirements

Each student, upon entering a semester of clinical or internship experience, must submit the following clinical clearance items in order to begin their experience:

  1. Two doses of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccines or positive MMR titer
  2. Documentation of three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine AND positive Hepatitis B titer showing immunity which includes the date of test and the result
  3. Varicella (Chicken Pox) titer with a result of positive indicating immunity OR 2 doses of the Varicella vaccine. Please note that a history (even if documented) is not acceptable for clinical clearance.
  4. TDAP (Tetanus/ Diphtheria/ Pertussis) / TD (Tetanus/ Diphtheria) booster documentation:
  • Documentation of a valid TDAP within the past ten years that will not expire before the end of the semester
  • OR Documentation of an expired TDAP with the date included AND documentation of a valid TD booster within the past ten years that will not expire before the end of the semester.
  1. Copy of front and back sides of CPR Card. Certification must be from the American Heart Association or American Red Cross at the BLS for the Health Care Provider Level.
  2. Copy of front and back sides of Health Insurance Card
  3. CORI Check
  4. National Background Check
  5. Proof that the current flu season’s Flu Vaccination was administered
  6. Documentation on official letterhead of TB Skin Test (PPD) which includes the date of planting, date of reading, and result. TB reading must be done by an occupational health department, primary care doctor, or University Health Services.
  • Negative results: Must show date planted and read.
  • If result is POSITIVE and you DID NOT receive the BCG vaccine as a child then the following information is required:
    • Date reported of a negative chest x-ray performed subsequent of TB test (no expiration on x-ray results) AND
    • Documentation of date of TB medication counseling and/or treatment AND
    • Negative symptoms analysis to be completed by health care professional, The documentation must include that the patient is free of TB related symptoms
  • If result is POSITIVE and you received the BCG vaccine as a child in another country:
    • Documentation of TB blood test (T-Spot or Quantiferon Gold) AND
    • Documentation of date of BCG vaccine having been administered AND
    • Dated report of a negative Chest X-ray performed subsequent of TB test (no expiration on x-ray results) AND
    • Documentation of date of TB medication counseling and/or treatment AND
    • Negative symptoms analysis to be completed by a health care professional.  The documentation must include that the patient is free of TB related symptoms