UMass Boston

Respondus 4.1

Respondus is a useful tool available to UMass Boston faculty that makes it easy to compile and manage quizzes to be published directly to a Learning Management System or printed to paper. Quizzes can be created offline using a Windows PC environment (Mac or Linux are not supported).

Request License

 Respondus enables you to:

  • Create quizzes with up to 15 question types, including calculated and algorithmic formats;
  • Import multiple questions from existing documents (.rtf, .txt, .csv, .doc, .docx, .xml);
  • Access thousands of Respondus-compatible publisher test banks – available for free to instructors who adopt a participating textbook.

Get Started with Respondus 4.1

1. Request Installation License

UMass Boston provides a license for Respondus for our instructors. During the installation process you will be asked to license your copy. When prompted, enter the information exactly as provided. Request a license for Respondus 4.1

2. Download and Install Respondus 4.1

Once you request the license, you will be provided with an installation file for your PC. Use your UMass Boston email credentials to access the file. 

3. Follow the Formatting Standards

Compile your quiz questions in a Word document (or any of the other supported formats) according to Respondus standards for question formatting.

Sample Files

Use these sample files to learn to work with Respondus (switch to your UMass Boston G Suite account to access the files):

4. Publish Quiz

Find the Respondus instructions for publishing based on the LMS you are using.


Test Bank Network

Instructors have access to thousands of test banks for the leading textbooks in higher education when they use Respondus. The Test Bank Network is free for instructors who adopt a participating textbook.

Video Demos

The following video shows how to compile your questions in Word. There are additional demonstration movies that you might find helpful as you get started with Respondus 4.1.