UMass Boston


Gradescope is a group of software applications that facilitate grading of paper-based exams administered in a classroom or by the student as homework. Gradescope is a big time-saver for instructors and TAs who are using paper-based tests that are scanned by the instructor or student.

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How Does Gradescope Work?

Gradescope allows an instructor to scan collected student work and upload for electronic grading online, or have students directly submit their scanned work to Gradescope for grading. Gradescope uses artificial intelligence (AI)  to automate and expedite the grading of submitted work and is a great solution for large enrollment face-to-face courses. Gradescope also has an application which works with bubble sheets, similar to Scantron. Gradescope is installed as a tool link in Blackboard and the results of all assignments can be uploaded to columns in the Blackboard Grade Center.

Get Started 

Gradescope is available to all UMass Boston faculty at no cost. It is most useful for face-to-face courses that have paper-based exams or homework, especially those that are time-limited and require students to supply answers not easily entered with a digital keyboard. 

Gradescope is popular for science courses, though it could also be used in social science or any other course that assesses students with paper-based exams.

While instructors will typically scan student's tests taken in class, students can also scan their own homework and submit it to Gradescope for evaluation. That would include homework done for online classes.

Guides for Faculty

Gradescope is best used through its integration with Blackboard (detailed instructions). This integration allows the Gradescope student roster to automatically populate from Blackboard, as well as grades to be auto-uploaded to WISER.

Info for Students

Gradescope is accessed through a tool link in Blackboard Learn. Students can use this link to submit assignments/exams as well as view their graded work and instructor feedback. Here is a handout that explains how to submit Gradescope assignments through Blackboard

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