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UMass Boston Microcredentialing Initiative
Our university is in the process of developing a campus-wide microcredentialing initiative. We are piloting the Canvas LMS and the Canvas Credentials system with a limited number of courses. We invite proposals for microcredentialing programs to help learn from the pilot and to grow the initiative.
Microcredential Planning Guide Microcredential Development Guide
What are Microcredentials?
Microcredentials are competency-based, short and flexible programs of study designed to develop specific demonstrated skills. Microcredentials can be in the form of a course, a series of courses, or a professional training program. Microcredentials can be academic for-credit, academic non-credit and non-academic/professional development programs.
What are digital badges?
Microcredentials are associated with digital badges which are digital image “emblems” used to represent the earned microcredentials. The digital credential frameworks make it possible to associate the digital badge with important meta-data that is used to track the evidence of learning and to verify the earned microcredential. Learners can also collect and share digital badges using a credentialing platform such as Canvas Credentials.
Microcredentials at UMass Boston
At the direction of the Office of the Provost, a Microcredentialing Task Force has been assembled with members form various campus offices who are working on defining the scope of the initiative and devising the necessary support systems for a successful campus-wide initiative.
The Benefits of Microcredentialing
Microcredentials are a useful way to expand the offerings within an institution with short and flexible learning programs that are focused on the demands of the times. This helps learners equip themselves with skills that directly relate to industry needs. Microcredentials help prepare students to enter the workforce, and they help existing workers build new skills quickly.
Career-readiness skills
The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has identified eight key competencies that college students should possess in order to be competitive candidates in the internship and job markets and to be a successful employee in the workplace. Microcredentialing is a good way to help students build these skills and showcase the skills when they are earned.
Microcredential Planning Guide Microcredential Development Guide
Microcredential Examples
Visit the UMass Boston Canvas Credential page to view current microcredentials.
Reach out to Tina.Chang@umb.edu or Rrezarta.Agimi@umb.edu

Earn a Microcredential
Enroll in the Teaching and Learning Online course on Canvas to learn about teaching online and earn the first microcredential on the UMass Boston Canvas Credentials system.