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Human Rights and Economic Inequalities
Edited by Gillian MacNaughton, Diane F. Frey, and Catherine Porter
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Economic inequalities are among the greatest human rights challenges the world faces today due to the past four decades of neoliberal policy dominance. Globally, there are now over 2,000 billionaires, while 3.4 billion people live below the poverty line of US $5.50 per day. Many human rights scholars and practitioners read these statistics with alarm, asking what impact such extreme inequalities have on realizing human rights and what role, if any, should human rights have in challenging them? This edited volume examines these questions from multiple disciplinary perspectives, seeking to uncover the relationships between human rights and economic inequalities, and the barriers and pathways to greater economic equality and full enjoyment of human rights for all. The volume is a unique contribution to the emerging literature on human rights and economic inequality, as it is interdisciplinary, global in reach and extends to several under-researched areas in the field.
South Asian Filmscapes: Transregional Encounters
Edited by Elora Halim Chowdhury and Esha Niyogi De
University of Washington Press, 2020
New political realities and shared histories inspire connected film cultures across borders.
In South Asia massive anti-colonial upheavals in the twentieth century created nation-states and reset national borders forming the basis for emerging film cultures. New national cinemas promoted and reinforced prevailing hierarches of identity and belonging following the upheaval of the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947 and the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971. At the same time, industrial and independent cinemas contributed to remarkably porous and hybrid film cultures, reflecting the intertwining of South Asian histories and their reciprocal cultural influences. This cross-fertilization within South Asian cultural production continues today.
South Asian Filmscapes excavates these complex politics and poetics of bordered identity and crossings through selected histories of cinema in South Asia. Several essays reveal ways in which fixed notions of national identity have been destabilized by the cross-border mobility of filmed arts and practitioners, while others interrogate how filmic politics intersect with discourses of nationalism, sexuality and gender, religion, and language. Together, they offer a fluid approach to the multiple histories and encounters that conjure “South Asia” as a geographic and political entity in the region and globally through a cinematic imagination.

Bobel, C. (2019). The Managed Body: Developing Girls & Menstrual Health in the Global South. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
The Managed Body productively complicates "menstrual hygiene management" (MHM)—a growing social movement to support menstruating girls in the Global South. Bobel offers an invested critique of the complicated discourses of MHM including its conceptual and practical links with the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) development sector, human rights and "the girling of development." Drawing on analysis of in-depth interviews, participant observations and the digital materials of NGOs and social businesses, Bobel shows how MHM frames problems and solutions to capture attention and direct resources to this highly-tabooed topic. She asserts that MHM organizations often inadvertently rely upon weak evidence and spectacularized representations to make the claim of a "hygienic crisis" that authorizes rescue. And, she argues, the largely product-based solutions that follow fail to challenge the social construction of the menstrual body as dirty and in need of concealment. While cast as fundamental to preserving girls’ dignity, MHM prioritizes "technological fixes" that teach girls to discipline their developing bodies vis a vis consumer culture, a move that actually accommodates more than it resists the core problem of menstrual stigma.

Striffler, S. (2019). Solidarity: Latin America and the US Left in the Era of Human Rights. London, UK: Pluto Press.
How and why has solidarity changed over time? Why have different strategies, tactics, and strands of international solidarity emerged or re-emerged at particular moments throughout history? And how has the concept of solidarity shaped the history of the US left in particular? In Solidarity, Steve Striffler addresses all these questions, offering the first history of US–Latin American solidarity from the Haitian Revolution to the present. Striffler traces the history of internationalism through the Cold War, exploring the rise of human rights—and later, labor issues—as the dominant currents of international solidarity. He also considers the limitations of today’s solidarity movement, which inherited its organizational infrastructure from the human rights tradition. Moving beyond conventionally ahistorical analyses of solidarity, Striffler provides a distinctive intervention in the history of progressive politics in both the United States and Latin America.

Ehrlich, J.S., & Doan, A.E. (2019). Abortion Regret: The New Attack on Reproductive Freedom (Praeger).
Abortion Regret explores the emergence and consolidation of the antiabortion movement's paternalistic efforts to "protect" women from abortion regret. It begins by examining the 19th-century physician's campaign to criminalize abortion and traces the contours of the women-protective abortion regret narrative through to the 21st century. Based on interviews, textual analysis of primary sources, and a content analysis of state antiabortion policy from 2010-2015, the authors argue that the contemporary rise of the abortion regret narrative has armed the antiabortion movement with a unifying and compelling strategy to oppose abortion through a woman-centered approach.

Edited by Rajini Srikanth, Elora Halim Chowdhury (2019). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights: History, Politics, Practice, 1st Edition (Routledge).
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights: History, Politics, Practice is an edited collection that brings together analyses of human rights work from multiple disciplines. Within the academic sphere, this book will garner interest from scholars who are invested in human rights as a field of study, as well as those who research, and are engaged in, the praxis of human rights.
Referring to the historical and cross-cultural study of human rights, the volume engages with disciplinary debates in political philosophy, gender and women’s studies, Global South/Third World studies, international relations, psychology, and anthropology. At the same time, the authors employ diverse methodologies including oral history, theoretical and discourse analysis, ethnography, and literary and cinema studies. Within the field of human rights studies, this book attends to the critical academic gap on interdisciplinary and praxis-based approaches to the field, as opposed to a predominantly legalistic focus, drawing from case studies from a wide range of contexts in the Global South, including Bangladesh, Colombia, Haiti, India, Mexico, Palestine, and Sudan, as well as from Australia and the United States in the Global North.
For students who will go on to become researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and activists, this collection of essays will demonstrate the multifaceted landscape of human rights and the multiple forces (philosophical, political, cultural, economic, historical) that affect it.

MacNaughton, G., & Frey, D. F. (2018). Economic and Social Rights in a Neoliberal World. (Cambridge University Press).
The rise of neoliberal policy and practice simultaneous to the growing recognition of economic and social rights presents a puzzle. Can the rights to food, water, health education, decent work, social security and the benefits of science prevail against market fundamentalism? Economic and Social Rights in a Neoliberal World is about the potential of these rights to contest the adverse impacts of neoliberal policy and practice on human wellbeing. Cutting across several lines of human rights literature, the chapters address norm development, court decision making, policymaking, advocacy, measurement and social mobilization. The analyses reveal that neoliberalism infiltrates management practices, changes international policy goals, flattens public school curriculum and distorts the outputs of UN human rights treaty bodies. Are economic and social rights successful in challenging neoliberalism, are they simply marginalized or are they co-opted and incorporated into neoliberal frameworks? This multidisciplinary work by a geographically diverse group of scholars and practitioners begins to address these questions.

Mnisi Weeks, S. (2018). Access to Justice and Human Security: Cultural Contradictions in Rural South Africa. (Routledge Cultural Diversity and Law Series).
For most people in rural South Africa, traditional justice mechanisms provide the only feasible means of accessing any form of justice. These mechanisms are popularly associated with restorative justice, reconciliation and harmony in rural communities. Yet, this ethnographic study grounded in the political economy of rural South Africa reveals how historical conditions and contemporary pressures have strained these mechanisms’ ability to deliver the high normative ideals with which they are notionally linked. In places such as Msinga access to justice is made especially precarious by the reality that human insecurity – a composite of physical, social and material insecurity – is high for both ordinary people and the authorities who staff local justice forums; cooperation is low between traditional justice mechanisms and the criminal and social justice mechanisms the state is meant to provide; and competition from purportedly more effective ‘twilight institutions’, like vigilante associations, is rife. Further contradictions are presented by profoundly gendered social relations premised on delicate social trust that is closely monitored by one’s community and enforced through self-help measures like witchcraft accusations in a context in which violence is, culturally and practically, a highly plausible strategy for dispute management.
These contextual considerations compel us to ask what justice we can reasonably speak of access to in such an insecure context and what solutions are viable under such volatile human conditions? The book concludes with a vision for access to justice in rural South Africa that takes seriously ordinary people’s circumstances and traditional authorities’ lived experiences as documented in this detailed study. The author proposes a cooperative governance model that would maximize the resources and capacity of both traditional and state justice apparatus for delivering the legal and social justice – namely, peace and protection from violence as well as mitigation of poverty and destitution – that rural people genuinely need.

Sprague, C. (2018). Gender and HIV in South Africa: Advancing Women's Health and Capabilities. (Palgrave MacMillan)
This book addresses the ongoing problem of HIV in black South African women as a health inequity. Importantly, it argues that this urgent problem of justice is changeable. Sprague uses the capabilities approach to bring a theory of health justice, together with multiple sources of evidence, to investigate the complex problem of HIV and accompanying poor health outcomes in black South African women. Motivated by a concern for application of knowledge, this work discusses how to better conceptualise what health justice demands of state and society, and how to mobilise available evidence on health inequities in ways that compel greater state action to address problems of gender and health.
HIV in women, and possible responses, are investigated on four distinct levels: conceptual, social structure, health systems, and law. The analysis demonstrates that this problem is indeed modifiable with long-term interventions and an enhanced state response targeted at multiple levels. This book will be of interest to academics and students in the social health sciences, gender and development studies, and global health, as well as HIV/health activists, government officials, policy makers, HIV clinicians and health providers interested in HIV.

Ross, K. (2017). Youth Encounter Programs in Israel: Pedagogy, Identity, and Social Change. (Syracuse University Press).
As the level of distrust and alienation between Jews and Palestinians has risen over the past fifteen years, the support for grassroots organizations’ attempts to bring these two groups closer has stagnated. Jewish–Palestinian youth encounter programs that flourished in the wake of the Oslo Accords now struggle to find support, as their potential to create positive social change in Israeli society is still unknown.
In Youth Encounter Programs in Israel, Ross attempts to assess that potential by considering the relationship between participation in Jewish–Palestinian encounters and the long-term worldview and commitment to social change of their participants. Taking a comparative approach, Ross examines the structure and pedagogical approaches of two organizations in Israel, Peace Child Israel and Sadaka Reut. In doing so, Ross explores how these different organizations shape participants’ national identity, beliefs about social change, and motivation to continue engaging in peace-building activities. Based on more than one hundred interviews with program staff and former participants as well as more than two hundred hours of program observation, Ross’s work fills an important gap in the literature and holds significant relevance for peace education and conflict resolution practitioners.

Chowdhury, E. H., & Philipose, L. (Eds.) (2016) Dissident Friendships: Feminism, Imperialism and Transnational Solidarity. (University of Illinois Press: Dissident Feminisms Series).
Often perceived as unbridgeable, the boundaries that divide humanity from itself--whether national, gender, racial, political, or imperial--are rearticulated through friendship. Elora Halim Chowdhury and Liz Philipose edit a collection of essays that express the different ways women forge hospitality in deference to or defiance of the structures meant to keep them apart.
Emerging out of postcolonial theory, the works discuss instances when the authors have negotiated friendship's complicated, conflicted, and contradictory terrain; offer fresh perspectives on feminists' invested, reluctant, and selective uses of the nation; reflect on how the arts contribute to conversations about feminism, dissent, resistance, and solidarity; and unpack the details of transnational dissident friendships.
Contributors: Lori E. Amy, Azza Basarudin, Himika Bhattacharya, Kabita Chakma, Elora Halim Chowdhury, Laurie R. Cohen, Esha Niyogi De, Eglantina Gjermeni, Glen Hill, Alka Kurian, Meredith Madden, Angie Mejia, Chandra T. Mohanty, A. Wendy Nastasi, Nicole Nguyen, Liz Philipose, Anya Stanger, Shreerekha Subramanian, and Yuanfang Dai.

Ehrlich, J.S. (2016). Regulating Desire: From the Virtuous Maiden to the Purity Princess. (SUNY Press).
Starting with the mid-nineteenth-century campaign by the female moral reformers to criminalize seduction, and moving ahead to the late twentieth-century conservative effort to codify an abstinence-only education policy, this book examines the legal regulation of young women’s sexuality in the United States. It covers five distinct time periods when changing social conditions generated considerable public anxiety about youthful female sexuality and examines how successive generations of reformers turned to the law in order to manage unruly desires and restore a gendered social order.

Ali, N. M. (2015). Gender, Race and Sudan's Exile Politics. (Rowman & Littlefield)
Gender, Race, and Sudan’s Exile Politics examines the gendered and racialized discourses and practices of the Sudanese opposition in exile through the opposition movements of the 1990s and early 2000s, and discusses the history through which these discourses evolved.
This book interrogates the relationship between women’s organizations and activisms in exile on one hand, and nationalist, transformative, and other political movements and processes on the other. It further discuses transnational coalition building across difference, including racial difference, between women’s organization seeking to transform gender relations in Sudan and South Sudan.
2021 Articles and Book Chapters
Gillian MacNaughton
Gillian MacNaughton, Diane F. Frey and Catherine Porter, Introduction, in Gillian MacNaughton, Diane F. Frey and Catherine Porter (eds), HUMAN RIGHTS AND ECONOMIC INEQUALITIES, Cambridge University Press 1-30 (2021).
Gillian MacNaughton, Emerging Human Rights Norms and Standards on Vertical Inequality, in Gillian MacNaughton, Diane F. Frey and Catherine Porter (eds), HUMAN RIGHTS AND ECONOMIC INEQUALITIES, Cambridge University Press 33-62 (2021).
Diane Frey and Gillian MacNaughton, Fair Wages and a Decent Living: Paths to Greater Vertical Equality, in Gillian MacNaughton, Diane F. Frey and Catherine Porter (eds), HUMAN RIGHTS AND ECONOMIC INEQUALITIES, Cambridge University Press 271-294 (2021).
Gillian MacNaughton. (2021). "Is Economic Inequality a Violation of Human Rights?" In Martha Davis, Morten Kjaerum, and Amanda Lyons (eds), Research Handbook on Human Rights and Poverty, Edward Elgar Press pp 53-68.
Courtenay Sprague
Sprague, C., McMahan. L.D., Leena Maqsood, L. and & George, G. (2021): "‘Eventually I wanted something more’: sexual self-reflections of South African women engaged in transactional sexual relationships with blessers." Culture, Health & Sexuality, DOI:10.1080/13691058.2021.1892193.
2020 Articles and Book Chapters
Shelley Brown
Brown, S., MacNaughton, G. and Sprague, C. (2020). "A Right-to-Health Lens on Perinatal Mental Health in South Africa." Health and Human Rights Journal 22(2) 125-138.
Lisa Cosgrove
Cosgrove, L. Morrill, Z., Yusif, M., Vaswani, A., Cathcart, S., Troeger, R., and Karter, J.M. (2020). Drivers of and solutions for the over-use of antidepressant medication in pediatric populations. Frontiers, Psychiatry.
Elder, K., Turner, K., Cosgrove, L., Joel Lexchin, Adrienne Shnier, Ainsley Moore, Sharon Straus, Brett D. Thombs. (2020). Reporting of financial conflicts of interest by Canadian clinical practice guideline producers: a descriptive study. Canadian Medical Association Journal; DOI.
Cosgrove, L. & Shaughnessy A. (2020). Mental Health as a Basic Human Right and the Interference of Commercialized Science. Harvard Health and Human Rights Journal.
Cosgrove, L. & Vaswani, A. (2020). Fetal rights, the policing of pregnancy, and meanings of the maternal in an age of neoliberalism. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 40(1):43-53DOI: 10.1037/teo0000139
Cosgrove, L. Karter, J. Morrill, Z. (2020) Psychology and Surveillance Capitalism: The Risk of Pushing Mental Health Apps During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Humanistic Psychology
J. Shoshanna Ehrlich
Ehrlich, J.S. and Doan, A.E. (forthcoming 2020), "Reimagining What Could Have Been: A Comparative Analysis of Abortion and Maternal Regret" in A. O'Reilly, Maternal Regret, Demeter Press, Ontario Canada.
Ehrlich, J.S. (forthcoming 2020), "The Body as Borderland: The Abortion (Non)rights of Unaccompanied Teens in Federal Immigration Custody," UCLA Women's Law Journal.
Valerie L. Karr
Karr, V.L., Sajadi, S., & Aronson-Ensign, K. (2020). The Lived Experience of Refugee Children in Informal Camp Settlements: A Photovoice Project in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon. Journal of Refugee Studies, fez104.
Konstantinos Koutsioumpas
Konstantinos Koutsioumpas and Gillian MacNaughton, Mapping Perceptions of Human Rights and Cultivating Boston as a Human Rights City, 19(3) Journal of Human Rights 363-378 (2020).
Gillian MacNaughton
MacNaughton, G. (2020). "Economic Inequality and Human Rights Impact Assessment of Economic Policies." International Journal of Human Rights 24(9) 1311-1332.
MacNaughton, G., Mnisi Weeks, S., Kamau, E., Sajadi, S., & Tarimo, P. (2020). The promises and challenges of human rights cities. In J. Zajda (Ed.), Human rights education globally (pp. 109-132). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer Academic Publishing.
MacNaughton, G., & Duger, A. (2020). Translating international law into domestic law, policy and practice. In L. O. Gostin and B. M. Meier (Eds.), Foundations of Global Health and Human Rights. (pp. 113-132). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
MacNaughton, G. (2020). “The Maturing Right to Health: Deeper, Broader and More Complex but Still Unequal,” Health and Human Rights Journal 22(1): 343-345 (2020).
Sindiso Mnisi Weeks
Mnisi Weeks, S. (forthcoming 2020). “South African Legal Culture and Its Dis/Empowerment Paradox,” Oxford Handbook of Law & Anthropology, B. Donahoe, M. Foblets, M. Sapignoli, M. Goodale, and O. Zenker (eds.), Oxford University Press (in press).
Karen Ross
Ross, K. & D. Muro. (2020). “Possibilities of Prison-Based Restorative Justice: Transformation Beyond Recidivism.” Contemporary Justice Review.
2019 Articles and Book Chapters
Chris Bobel
Bobel, C. (2019). “Beyond Dignity: The Mis/Use of Discourses of Human Rights in Development Campaigns: A Case Study.” In Chowdhury, E. & Srikanth, R. (Eds.). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights: History, Politics, Practice (pp. 297-311). London: Routledge.
Elora Halim Chowdhury
Chowdhury, E.H. (2019). Ethical reckoning: Theorizing gender, vulnerability and agency in Bangladeshi Muktijuddho Film” In Chowdhury, E. & Srikanth, R. (Eds.). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights: History, Politics, Practice (pp. 243-260). London: Routledge.
Lisa Cosgrove
Cosgrove, L & Jureidini, J. (2019). Why a rights-based approach is not anti-psychiatry. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.
Cosgrove, L., Mills, C., Karter, J. Mehta, A., Kalathil, J. (2019). A critical review of the Lancet Commission on global mental health and sustainable development: Time for a paradigm change. Critical Public Health.
J. Shoshanna Ehrlich
Ehrlich, J.S. Differential breast exposure rules: Encoding the (heterosexual) male gaze into law. In C. Bobel & S. Kwan (Eds.). Body Battlegrounds: Transgressions, Tensions, and Transformations (pp 189-199). Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville TN.
Heidi Gengenbach
Gengenbach. H. (2019),"From cradle to chain? Gendered struggles for cassava commercialisation in Mozambique," Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du développement, DOI: 10.1080/02255189.2019.1570088
Andrés Fabián Henao-Castro
Henao-Castro A. (2019). Between Nothingness and Infinity: Settlement and Anti-Blackness as the Overdetermination of Human Rights. Chowdhury, E. & Srikanth, R. (Eds.). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights: History, Politics, Practice (pp. 50-64). London: Routledge.
Luis F. Jiménez
Jiménez, L. F (2019). The US-Mexico Border and Human Rights. In Srikanth R.&.Chowdhury. E.H. (Eds). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights: History, Politics, Practice (pp. 98-110). London: Routledge.
Esther Kamau
Kamau, E., & MacNaughton, G. (2019). The impact of SDG target 3.8 – universal health coverage – on local health care priorities in Kenya. Journal of Developing Societies, 35(4), 458–480.
Valerie L. Karr
Karr, V.L., Van Edema, A., Geden, K., Nwanga, U., Murphy, J. (Forthcoming, 2019). The inclusion of persons with disabilities in U.S. Foreign Policy: An examination of four federal agencies. Journal of Disability Policy Studies.
Gillian MacNaughton
MacNaughton, G. (2019). The Mysterious Disappearance of Human Rights in the 2030 Development Agenda. In Rajini Srikanth and Elora Halim Chowdhury (Eds.), Interdisciplinary approaches to human rights: History, politics, practice, 131-147 (Routledge).
MacNaughton, G., & McGill, M. (2019). The challenge of interdisciplinarity in operationalizing the right to health. Health and Human Rights Journal, 21(2), 251–262.
Sindiso Mnisi Weeks
Mnisi Weeks, S. (2019). “Unintended Consequences in the Postcolonies: When Struggling South Africans Experience Rights Discourse as Disempowering.” In Chowdhury, E. & Srikanth, R. (Eds.). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights: History, Politics, Practice (pp. 111-127). London: Routledge.
Mnisi Weeks, S. (2019). “The Violence of the Harmony Model: Common Narratives Between Ordinary Women and Lower-Level Traditional Leaders.” In Skosana, D. & Buthelezi, M. (Eds.). Traditional Leaders in a Democracy: Resources, Respect and Resistance (pp. 182-223). Johannesburg: The Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) / Jacana Media.
Karen Ross
Ross, K. (2019). Navigating "red lines" and transcending the binary: Tensions in the pedagogical and political goals of peace education work. Peace & Conflict Studies, 26(2), article 2.
Ross, K. (2019). Becoming activists: Jewish-Palestinian encounters and the mechanisms of social change engagement. Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research, 44(1), 33-67.
Rajini Srikanth
Srikanth, R. (2019). “Refugee Camps and the (Educational) Rights of the Child.” In Chowdhury, E. & Srikanth, R. (Eds.). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights: History, Politics, Practice (pp. 180-196). London: Routledge.
Steve Striffler
Striffler, S. (2019). Human Rights, Latin America, and Left Internationalism during the Cold War,” In Chowdhury, E. & Srikanth, R. (Eds.). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Human Rights: History, Politics, Practice. (pp. 65-78). London: Routledge.
Susan Telingator
Telingator, S., & Mnisi Weeks, S. (2019) “Catalyzing Stagnant Norms: Female Parliamentarians’ Creative Impact on Weary Public Institutions,” Gender and Sexuality in Senegalese Societies, B. M’Baye & B. Muhonja, eds.), Lexington Books.
2018 Articles and Book Chapters
Jean-Philippe Belleau
Belleau., J. (2018). "Report on the Crimes Committed against the Rohingya," International Working Group for Autochthonous Peoples, April 2018.
Elora Halim Chowdhury
Chowdhury, E. H. (2018). Made in Bangladesh: The romance of the new woman. In Hussein, N. (Ed.) Rethinking new womanhood: Practices of gender, class, culture and religion in South Asia, (pp. 47 – 70). London: Palgrave Macmillan Publishers
Chowdhury, E. H. (2018). “Ethical Encounters: Friendship, Reckoning and Healing in Shameem Akhtar’s Daughters of History (1999).” In Kurian A. & Jha, S. (Eds). New Feminisms in South Asia: Disrupting the Discourse Through Social Media, Film and Literature (pp. 238 – 254). New York: Routledge.
Chowdhury, E. H. (2018). Reading Hamid, Reading Coates: Juxtaposing Anti-Muslim and Anti-Black Racism in Current Times. Feminist Formations 30(3), 63-78. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/ff.2018.0038
Amy Den Ouden
Den Ouden, A. E. (2018). Recognition, Antiracism & Indigenous Futures: A View from Connecticut. Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. doi:10.1162/DAED_a_00487
Shoshanna Ehrlich
Ehrlich, J. S. (2018) “Like a withered tree, stripped of its foliage:” What the Roe Court missed and why it matters, Columbia Journal of Gender & Law, 35: 175-227.
Michelle Jurkovich
Jurkovich, M. (2018). Taking “Professionalization in the Discipline” with Lee Ann Fujii. Qualitative and Multi-Method Research: 51. Vol. 16, No. 1
Valerie L. Karr
Karr, V.L., McKlosky, M., Hayes, A., Brusegaard, C., Van Edema, A., Aronson-Ensign, K., Green, A., Mudawar, J., Taborda, E. (2018). Strengthening the system: Foundations for a disability inclusive United Nations, United Nations Report. New York, NY: United Nations Special Rapporteur on Disability (UN).
Karr, V.L., Van Edema, A., Geden, K., Murphy, J., Nwanga, U. (2018). U.S. Foreign Policy and Disability: Progress and Promises 2017, National Council on Disability Report. Washington, D.C.: National Council on Disability (US).
Gillian MacNaughton
Gillian MacNaughton, Mariah McGill, April Jakubec, and Andjela Kaur, A Human Rights Lens on Realizing Universal Health Care in Massachusetts Ten Years After the Individual Mandate, 20(2) HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL 93-104 (2018).
Gillian MacNaughton and Diane F. Frey, “Challenging Neoliberalism: ILO, Human Rights and Public Health Approaches to Decent Work,” 20(2) HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL 43-55, Special issue on the social determinants of health (2018).
MacNaughton, G. (2018). Equality Rights Beyond Neoliberal Constraints, in Gillian MacNaughton and Diane F. Frey (eds), Economic and social rights in a neoliberal world, 103-123. Cambridge University Press.
MacNaughton, G. (2018). Promotion and Protection of the Right to Health by the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights," Global Health Governance, Special Issue on Human Rights in Global Health Governance, 12(1), 47-61.
MacNaughton, G., & McGill, M. (2018). "The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Mapping the Evolution of the Right to Health," in Meier, B. M. and Gostin, L.O. (Eds.) Human Rights in Global Health: Right-Based Governance for a Globalizing World, Oxford University Press, 463-485.
David Pantalone
Pantalone, D.W., Scanlon, M.L., Brown, S.,Radhakrishnan B. & Sprague. C. (2018). Unmet mental health and social service needs of formerly incarcerated women living with HIV in the Deep South. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 29: 712-727.
Sindiso Mnisi Weeks
Telingator, S., & Mnisi Weeks, S. (2018). Catalyzing Stagnant Norms: Female Parliamentarians’ Impact on Weary Public Institutions. In Muhonja, B. and Mbaye. B. (Eds.), Gender and sexuality in Senegalese society.
2017 Articles and Book Chapters
Elora Halim Chowdhury
Chowdhury, E. H. (2017). “Ethical encounters: friendship, reckoning and healing in Shameem Akhtar’s daughters of history (1999).” In A. Kurian and S. Jha (Eds.) New feminisms in South Asia: disrupting the discourse through social media, film and literature, (pp. 238 – 253). New York: Routledge.
Chowdhury, E. H. (2017). The necessity and power of dialogue: Reflections on cross-border collaborations in South Asia. New Age, Independence Day Special
Shoshanna Ehrlich
Ehrlich, J.S. (2017) Ministering (in)justice: The Supreme Court’s misreliance on abortion regret in Car Hart v. Gonzales, Nevada Law Journal, 17: 599-617.
Ehrlich, J.S., Brown, L. & Macquarie, C., (2017) Subverting the constitution: Anti-abortion policies and politics in the United States and Canada. In T. Pinner Light & S. Stetter (Eds.) 25 Years After Morgentaler. University of British Columbia Press.
Heidi Gengenbach
Gengenbach, H. (2017). ‘Provisions’ and power on an imperial frontier: A gendered history of hunger in 16th c. Central Mozambique. International Journal of African Historical Studies, 50(3), 409-437.
Gengenbach, H., Bassett, T., Moseley,W., Munro, W. & Schurman, R. (2017). Limits of the Green Revolution for Africa (GR4A): Reconceptualizing gendered agricultural value chains. The Geographical Journal 2017, doi: 10.1111/geoj.12233.
Gillian MacNaughton
MacNaughton, G. (2017). Vertical inequalities: Are the SDGs and human rights up to the challenges? International Journal of Human Rights, special issue on Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals, 21(8): 1050-1072.
Qiu, S. & MacNaughton, G. (2017). Mechanisms of accountability for the realization of the right to health in China. Health and Human Rights Journal, 19(1): 279-292.
MacNaughton, G. & Koutsioumpas, K. (2017). Universal human rights education for the post-2015 development agenda. In J. Zajda & S. Ozdowski (Eds), Globalisation, Human Rights Education and Reforms, ((pp. 15-33). Springer Academic Publishers.
Michael Scanlon, Gillian MacNaughton and Courtenay Sprague (2017). Neglected Population, Neglected Rights? Advancing Human Rights to Improve Treatment for Children Living with HIV, 19(2) Health and Human Rights Journal 169-181.
Sindiso Mnisi Weeks
Ubink, J. and Mnisi Weeks, S. (2017). Courting Custom: Regulating Access to Justice in Rural South Africa and Malawi. Law and Society Review, 51(4), 825–858
2016 Articles and Book Chapters
Ali, N. M. (2016) Sudan after al-Turabi: Understanding the gendered legacy of Islamism in Sudan and beyond. Hawaa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, 14(1), 3-19.
Elora Halim Chowdhury
Chowdury, E. H. (2016) Development. In M. Hawkesworth and L. J. Disch (Eds).Oxford handbook of feminist theory, (pp.143-163). London: Oxford University Press.
Chowdury, E. H. (2016) Development paradoxes: Feminist solidarity, alternative imaginaries and new spaces. Journal of International Women's Studies. 17(1), 117 – 132.
Chowdury, E. H. (2016) Friendship. In J. Nash (Ed.).Gender: Love, Macmillan Interdisciplinary Handbooks, (pp. 17-26). Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference.
Chowdury, E. H. (2016) The space between us: Reading Umrigar and Sangari in the quest for female friendship. In E. H. Chowdhury & L. Philipose (Eds.). Dissident friendships: feminism, imperialism and transnational solidarity, (pp. 160 – 181). Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Chowdury, E. H. (Winter, 2016) War healing and trauma: Reading the feminine aesthetics and politics in Rubaiyat Hossain’s Meherjaan. Feminist Formations. 28(3), 27 – 45.
Chowdury, E. H. (2016) “We will work harder to be our own boss”: Children, violence, and structural inequality. In B. D’Costa (Ed). Children and violence: Politics of conflict in South Asia, (pp. 62 – 83). London: Cambridge University Press.
Shoshanna Ehrlich
Ehrlich, J.S. & Doan, A., (2016) Teaching morality by teaching science: Religiosity and abortion regret. In L. Campo-Engelstein & P. Campos (Eds.) Reproductive ethics: New challenges and conversations. Springer Press.
Sarah Hamblin
“The Form and Content of Human Rights Film: Teaching Larysa Kondracki’s The Whistleblower.” “Teaching Human Rights.” Special Issue of Radical Teacher 104 (2016): 38-47.
Gillian MacNaughton
MacNaughton, G. (2016). Advancing health and human rights in this neoliberal era. Book review: Global health, human rights and the challenge of neoliberal policies, by Audrey R. Chapman. Health and Human Rights Journal, 18(2), 255-259.
Frey, D. F. & MacNaughton, G. (2016). Full employment and decent work in the post-2015 development agenda. In N. Shawki (ed), International norms, normative change, and the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 185-199). Plymouth, UK: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Frey, D. F. & MacNaughton, G. (2016). A human rights lens on full employment and decent work in the 2030 sustainable development agenda. Journal of Workplace Rights, 6(2), 1-13.
McGill, M. & MacNaughton, G. (2016). The struggle to achieve the human right to health care in the USA. Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, 25, 625-684.
MacNaughton, G., & Frey, D. F. (2016). Decent work, human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals. Georgetown Journal of International Law, 47, 607-663.
Forman, L. & MacNaughton, G. (2016). Lessons learned: A framework methodology for health and human rights impact assessment of intellectual property provisions in trade agreements. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 34(1), 55-71.
Sindiso Mnisi Weeks
Mnisi Weeks, S. (2015-2016). Access to justice? Dispute management processes in Msinga, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. New York Law School Law Review, 60(1), 227.
Mnisi Weeks, S. (2016) Women seeking justice at the intersections between vernacular and state laws and courts in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. In H. Klug and S. Merry (eds), The new legal realism, Volume 2: Studying law globally. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
2015 Articles and Book Chapters
Elora Halim Chowdhury
Chowdhury, E. H. (2015). Feminist negotiations: Contesting narratives of the campaign against acid violence in Bangladesh. Reprinted in D. Hodgson (Ed.) Gender, culture and power, (pp. 440-448). London: Oxford University Press.
Chowdhury, E. H. (2015). From Dhaka to Cincinnati: Charting transnational narratives of trauma victimization and survival. In H. Ahmed-Ghosh (Ed.). Contesting feminisms: Gender and Islam in Asia, (pp. 207-226). Albany: State University of New York Press.
Chowdhury, E. H. (2015). When love and violence meet: women’s agency and transformative politics in Rubaiyat Hossain’s Meherjaan. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. 30(4), 760 – 777.
Chowdhury, E. H. (2015). Women Islam transnationalism: Politics of location and other contentions in women’s organizing in Bangladesh. In Y. Saikia & C. Haines (Eds.). Women and peace in the Islamic world: Gender, agency, and influence, (pp. 99-135). London: I.B. Tauris.
Heidi Gengenbach
Gengenbach, H. (2015) Living ethnicity: Gender, livelihood, and ethnic identity in Mozambique. In Bender Shetler, J. (Ed.) Gendering ethnicity in African women’s lives, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Gillian MacNaughton
MacNaughton, G., Haigh, F., McGill, M., Koutsioumpas, K., & Sprague, C. (2015). The impact of human rights on universalizing health care in Vermont, USA. Health and Human Rights Journal, 17(2), 83-95. Special issue: Evidence of impacts of human rights-based approaches to health.
MacNaughton, G., & Frey, D. F. (2015). Teaching the transformative agenda of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Radical Teacher, 103, 17-25.
MacNaughton, G. (2015). Human rights education for all: A proposal for the post-2015 international development agenda. Washington International Law Journal, 24(3), 537-569.
MacNaughton, G. (2015). Human rights impact assessment: A method for healthy policy making. Health and Human Rights Journal, 17(1), 63-75.
MacNaughton, G., & Forman, L. (2015). Human rights and health impact assessment of trade-related intellectual property rights: A comparative study of experiences in Thailand and Peru. Journal of Human Rights, 14(1), 124-148.
Forman, L., & MacNaughton, G. (2015). Moving theory into practice: Human rights impact assessment of intellectual property rights in trade agreements. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 7(1), 109-138.
Sindiso Mnisi Weeks
Mnisi Weeks, S. (2015). Contested democracy and rule of law(s) in pluralistic societies: The example of South Africa. In M. Campos Galuppo, M. Sette Lopes, K. Salgado, T. Bustamante, & L. Gontijo (Eds), Human rights, rule of law and the contemporary challenges in complex societies. Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Mnisi Weeks, S. (2015). Insider, outsider: Marriage proposals, advocacy and other ethical quandaries in law and society research. In D. Posel & F. Ross (Eds), Ethical quandaries in social research. Pretoria, South Africa: Human Sciences Research Council Press.