Research, community engagement, and public policy advocacy on aging well.
As the research, service, and community engagement arm of the gerontology enterprise at UMass Boston, the Gerontology Institute produces research, collaborates with stakeholders to improve systems and communities, and offers programs and services that enhance the lives of older adults. For example, this year researchers expanded scientific knowledge on the social determinants of health with topics ranging from the impact of intergenerational relationships and social engagement on health and well-being to behavioral and environmental factors shaping isolation and loneliness. Faculty researchers and staff in our Center for Social and Demographic Research on Aging and our LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston partnered with stakeholders to promote healthy aging and age-friendly communities and to impact policies that shape long-term services and supports. Our work continues to be motivated by a commitment to promoting equity in aging—in health, in access to services and supports, in life conditions and in financial security.
More than ever, we partner with older adults, communities, and organizations as we work toward enriching the lives of older people. Our Pension Action Center, which helps older adults recover pension benefits they have earned, and our Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, which develops and delivers innovative educational opportunities for older adults, enhance the lives of hundreds of older adults each year. Involving undergraduate and graduate students enriches our work as we in turn contribute to their educational and professional development goals.