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Latest releases:
- Second-Generation Latino Immigrant Assimilation in Massachusetts, Phillip Granberry and Mary Jo Marion
- The Growing Latino Population of Massachusetts: A Demographic and Economic Portrait, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
- Transfer Pathways: Ensuring Transfer Student Success, Jonathan Vega Martinez, Fabián Torres-Ardila, Lorna Rivera, and Michelle Sunday
- Brasileiros nos Estados Unidos e em Massachusetts: Um Perfil Demográfico e Econômico, Michelle Borges, Phillip Granberry, Alvaro Lima, and Victor Luis Martins
- Brazilians in the U.S. and Massachusetts: A Demographic and Economic Profile, Michelle Borges, Phillip Granberry, Alvaro Lima, and Victor Luis Martins
- Diversity among Latino Groups in Massachusetts: 1980-2019, Vishakha Agarwal and Phillip Granberry
- Latino Political Leadership in Massachusetts (2023), Rachel Paz, Fabián Torres-Ardila, and Christa Kelleher
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Brookline, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Cambridge, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Chicopee, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Fitchburg, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Haverhill, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Peabody, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Pittsfield, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Quincy, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Randolph, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Southbridge, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Westfield, Phillip Granberry, Victor Luis Martins, and Michelle Borges
Publications 2022
¡AVANCEMOS YA!: Persistent Economic Challenges and Opportunities Facing Latinos in Massachusetts, Trevor Mattos, Phillip Granberry, and Vishakha Agarwal
- Latinas in the Labor Market, Lorna Rivera, Vishakha Agarwal, and Phillip Granberry
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Everett, Phillip Granberry and Vishakha Agarwal
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Framingham, Phillip Granberry and Vishakha Agarwal
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Holyoke, Phillip Granberry and Vishakha Agarwal
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Malden, Phillip Granberry and Vishakha Agarwal
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Medford, Phillip Granberry and Vishakha Agarwal
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Salem, Phillip Granberry and Vishakha Agarwal
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Somerville, Phillip Granberry and Vishakha Agarwal
- Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas: Waltham, Phillip Granberry and Vishakha Agarwal
- Latinos with Disability in Massachusetts, Phillip Granberry and Vishakha Agarwal
- Reimagining Community Engagement to Increase Resilience to Climate Change in El Punto Neighborhood, Salem, Massachusetts, Elizabeth Sweet, Fabián Torres-Ardila, Daniela Bravo, and Leandra Jara
- The Increasing Latino Vote in Massachusetts: Results from the 2020 Presidential Election, Phillip Granberry and Luis F. Jiménez
The State of Latino Education: 2010-2020 (2022), Fabián Torres-Ardila and Nyal Fuentes
Latinas in the Labor Market (2022), Lorna Rivera, Vishakha Agarwal, and Phillip Granberry.
Reimagining Community Engagement to Increase Resilience to Climate Change in El Punto Neighborhood (2022), Elizabeth Sweet, Fabián Torres-Ardila, Daniela Bravo, and Leandra Jara.
Latinos in Massachusetts Selected Areas (2022). Phil Granberry,Vishakha Agarwal.
¡Avancemos ya! Persistent Economic Challenges and Opportunities Facing Latinos in Massachusetts (2022). Trevor Mattos, Phil Granberry,Vishakha Agarwal.
The Increasing Latino Vote in Massachusetts: Results from the 2020 Presidential Election (2022). Phillip Granberry, Luis F. Jiménez.
Publications 2020 & 2021
2021 Latinos in Massachusetts Series: Top 11 Latino cities, Phil Granberry, Vishakha Agarwal.
Latino Veterans in Massachusetts (2021), Phillip Granberry, Vishakha Agarwal.
A Portrait of Latino Children: The Gap with Non-Latinos in Massachusetts (2021) , Phillip Granberry, Alejandro Alvarez, Vishakha Agarwal, Fabián Torres-Ardila,
Aging Strong for All: Examining Aging Equity in the City of Boston (2021), Jan Mutchler, Caitlin Coyle, Nidya Velasco Roldán, Paul Watanabe, Cedric Woods, Lorna Rivera, Quito Swan, Elena Stone, and Laurie Nsiah-Jefferson
Latinx Population Hit Hard in the COVID-19 Recession: Mounting Hardships and One Big Idea for an Inclusive Recovery (2021), Trevor Mattos, Bansari Kamdar, Phillip Granberry, Fabián Torres-Ardilla
Latinos in Massachusetts: Afro-Latinos (2020), Trevor Mattos, Phillip Granberry, Quito Swan.
COVID-19 and Latinos in Massachusetts (2020), Lorna Rivera, Phillip Granberry, Lorena Estrada-Martínez, Miren Uriarte, Eduardo Siqueira, Ana Rosa Linde-Arias, and Gonzalo Bacigalupe.
The Latino Vote in Massachusetts (2020), Phillip Granberry and Luis F. Jiménez.
2020 Latinos in Massachusetts Series: Top ten Latino Communities, Phil Granberry, Krizia Valentino.
Sustainable Pathways for Successful Small Businesses in Chelsea, Massachusetts (2020), Fabián Torres-Ardila, Lorna Rivera, Carolina Rojas-Pion, Daniela Bravo, Henry Chavez
Increasing Latino Participation Rates in the 2020 Census in Chelsea, MA, Fabián Torres-Ardila, Daniela Bravo, and Franklin Ortiz.
Newsletters And Infographics
Summer 2019 editionSpring 2019 edition
Latinos in Massachusetts: Aging Equity (2021)
Latinos in Massachusetts: Aging Equity (2021)
Latinos in Massachusetts: Afro-Latinos (2021)
Latinos in Massachusetts: Afro-Latinos (2021, en español)
Latinos in Massachusetts: COVID-19 (2020)
Latinos in Massachusetts: 10 Largest Communities (2020)
Census Campaign (2020, en español)
Census Campaign (2020, em português)
The Mauricio Gastón Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy
Healey Library, 10th Floor
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125-3393
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