UMass Boston

Sample Pricing and Preparation

Per sample (or hourly) User Rates [Self Service (SS/Daily) and Full Service (FS)] for Internal, Government, External Academic, and Industry/Private Users for the University of Massachusetts Boston Environmental Analytical Core Facility (Updated 8 May 2017)

  • Contact us for information on sample preparation and preparation
  • PLEASE NOTE: The EACF is not a commercial laboratory.  Depending on the instrumentation, we may or may not have the technical staff to run external samples.  
. Internal Rates External Academic Rates Industry Rates
Tier 1 Instruments      
Q-ICP-MSa $72.94 $118.53 $413.27
LA-Q-ICP-MSb simple $98.36 $159.83 $556.92
LA-Q-ICP-MS mapping $117.41 $190.78 $664.79
HR-ICP-MSc $90.92 $147.74 $453.49
TC/EA-IRMSd $37.26 $60.54 $107.11
GB-IRMSe $38.28 $62.21 $110.07
GC-IRMSf $35.47 $57.64 $101.98
SEMg $24.97 $40.58 $71.79
FTIR Microscopeh $21.50 $34.94 $61.81
Tier 2 Instruments      
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer $19.92 $32.38 $57.28
Total N, C, or S $22.57 $36.68 $64.90
Ion Chromatograph $23.03 $37.43 $66.22

a Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (PE NexION 2000)
b Laser Ablation
c High Resolution (magnetic sector field)-ICP-MS (Nu Instruments AttoM ES)
d Temperature Conversion Elemental Analyzer Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (Thermo Delta V+)
e Gas Bench IRMS
f Gas Chromatograph IRMS
g Scanning Electron Microscopy
h Fourier Transform Infrared Microscopy

Self Service usersa that are fully trained and do not need any assistance from EAF staff for sample preparation, instrument operation, or data reporting and only need access to fully functioning equipment.
Full Service users who rely on EAF staff for all sample preparation, analysis, and data reporting
Daily self service daily rate instead of per sample rate for each level of users; requires individuals have training (EAF or other) and approved by the EAF to be self-service users
Non-Contract Internal affiliated with UMass Boston (e.g. student, staff, faculty, adjunct) users and are not subject to an indirect rate because the institution is supporting the facility
Non-Contract External internal direct cost rate plus a 9% indirect cost rate associated with our Educational Sales and Services (ESS) account
Contract-Based Government local, state, and federal government users are subject to an additional 52.5% indirect rate in support of the facility and the institution as established by ORSP
Contract-Based External Academic External Academic users are subject to an additional 60.5% indirect rate in support of the facility and the institution as established by ORSP
Contract-Based Industry/Private Industry/Private users are subject to an additional 121% indirect rate in support of the facility and the institution as established by ORSP
Sample Preparation Rates $20.00 / hr
Training/On Call Rates

$41.00 / hr to $125.00 / hr depending on trainer/on-call person

Environmental Analytical Facility

100 Morrissey Blvd
BostonMA 02125 USA


  • Contact/Sample Shipping Information:
    Alan Abend
    School for the Environment
    100 Morrissey Boulevard
    Boston, MA 02125

  • Faculty
    Alan Abend