Phillip Granberry
Area of Expertise
Social Capital, International Migration, Urban Economics
PhD, Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Granberry, Phillip, Torres, M.I., Allison, J., Rosal, M., & Person, S. (2021). “Supports for Maternal Communication about Peer Pressure to Have Sex among Puerto Rican Families.” The International Quarterly of Community Health Education. (forthcoming)
- Lindsay, A.C., Pineda, J., Valdez, M.J., Torres M.I., & Granberry, P. (2020). “Central American Immigrant Parents’ Awareness and Acceptability of the HPV Vaccine, and Willingness to Vaccinate: An Exploratory Study Conducted in Two Northeastern States.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(8).
- Granberry, P. (2020).“Latinos in the Labor Force. Gastón Institute Publications. 248.
- Granberry, P. and Mattos, T. (2019). “Massachusetts Latino Population: 2010-2035. Gastón Institute Publications. 241.
- Granberry, P., Kim, C., Resseger, M., Lee, J., Lima, A., & Kang, K. (2018). “Who is At-Risk of Migrating? Developing Synthetic Populations to Produce Efficient Domestic Migration Rates Using the American Community Survey.” Urban Science, 2(1)
- Edward, J., Morris, S., Mataoui, F., Granberry, P., Williams, M.V., & Torres, M.I. (2018). “Measuring the Impact of Health and Health Insurance Literacy on Access to Health Insurance and Healthcare Services for Spanish-Speaking Hispanic/Latino Communities.” Public Health Nursing, 35(3) 176-183.
- Granberry, P, Torres, M.I., Brenner, P.S., Smollin, L., Saavedra, J., Allison, J., Rosal, M., & Person, S. (2017). “Cinco Minutos Solamente: Using Interviewer Social Capital to Increase Latino Community Survey Response Rate.” Journal of Applied Social Science, 11(2) 159-171.
- Lozano, I., Granberry, P. & Mattos, T. (2017). “The Dispersion and Diversity of Latinos in Massachusetts.” Gastón Institute Publications 226.
- Granberry, P. (2014). “More Social than Capital: Social Capital Accumulation among Legal and Unauthorized Mexican Migrants.” Social Science Journal, 51(4) 590-597.
- Granberry, P., & Marcelli, E. A. (2011). “Social Capital is Associated with Earnings among Foreign-born Mexican Men but not Women in Los Angeles County.” International Migration, 49(6) 113-128.
Additional Information
Phillip Granberry is a social demographer who specializes in unauthorized immigration in the United States. He worked with various community-based organizations assisting recently arrived U.S. immigrants before earning a PhD in public policy from the University of Massachusetts Boston. He has published several articles on the accumulation and use of social capital among Mexican migrants and the impact of welfare and immigration policy reform on Latinos in Massachusetts. He teaches courses on international migration, labor market, and metropolitan areas. In addition to his teaching in the Economics Department, he is a senior research associate for the Gastón Institute, where he is using his survey research skills to develop a probabilistic household survey of Puerto Rican mothers in Springfield, MA. In this research, he is an investigator for Por Ahí Dicen, a research project of the Center for Health Equity Intervention Research (CHEIR). Por Ahí Dicen evaluates the effectiveness of media campaign to promote Spanish-speaking Puerto Rican mother-child communication about sexuality and sexual health.