Peter Lech
Peter Barrios-Lech specializes in ancient Greco-Roman drama, and the sociolinguistics and pragmatics of Greek and Latin. He has published articles on those topics in Classical Philology, Classical Quarterly, Glotta, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Hermes, and others.
Area of Expertise
Ancient Greek and Roman Drama, Sociolinguistics and Pragmatics of Greek and Latin, Syntax of Greek and Latin, Computational Stylistics, Literature of the Early and Late Republic, Textual Criticism
- BA Columbia University 1999
- PhD Brown University 2010
Additional Information
He is the author of >Linguistic Interaction in Roman Comedy (Cambridge, 2016), and Plautus: Casina. Edition, Translation and Commentary for the Aris and Phillips Classical Texts series (Liverpool University Press, 2025). His current book project focuses on aspects of linguistic politeness in Greek drama (both comedy and tragedy), entitled Linguistic Interaction in Greek Drama.