Patrick Barron
Area of Expertise
Twentieth-century American and Italian Poetry; Environmental Literature and Ecocriticism; Native American Literature; Professional Writing; Literary Translation
PhD, University of Nevada, Reno
MS, Geography, University of Nevada, Reno
MA, Queen's University of Belfast
BA, University of Oregon
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Spooring. Portland: Unsolicited Press, 2020. (Poetry)
- The Agropastoral Landscape of the Majella National Park / Il paesaggio agro-pastorale del Parco Nazionale della Majella. (Sulmona: Parco Nazionale della Majella), 2019. (Author and Translator)
- Towards the River’s Mouth, A Critical Edition. By Gianni Celati. Lanham: Lexington Press (Rowman-Littlefield), 2018. (Editor and Translator)
- Terrain Vague: Interstices at the Edge of the Pale. London: Routledge, 2013. (Co-editor, with Manuela Mariani)
- Haiku for a Season/Haiku per una stagione. By Andrea Zanzotto. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2012. (Co-editor, with Anna Secco)
- The Selected Poetry and Prose of Andrea Zanzotto (Chicago: Chicago UP, 2007)
- Italian Environmental Literature: An Anthology (New York: Italica, 2003)
Additional Information
“Cinematic Space in Rome’s Disabitato: Between Metropolis and Terrain Vague in the Films of Fellini, Antonioni, and Pasolini.” (Co-authored with Manuela Mariani.) Modernism/modernity 18.2 (2011): 309-33.
“Unmasked Representations of Space in Edward Dorn’s ‘The Land Below’ and ‘Idaho Out.’” Paideuma 36.1-2 (2010): 105-30.
“Edward Dorn’s Heretical Spatial Knowledge in ‘The North Atlantic Turbine’ and Gunslinger.” The Midwest Quarterly 49.4 (2008): 401-15.
“Tra colline e canali: seguendo gli indizi di Andrea Zanzotto.” Andrea Zanzotto tra Soligo e laguna di Venezia. Ed. Gilberto Pizzamiglio. Venice: Leo S. Olschki/Fondazione Giorgio Cini, 2008. 193-212.
“Gianni Celati’s Poetic Prose: Physical, Marginal, Spatial.” Italica 84.2-3 (Summer-Autumn, 2007): 323-44.
“‘The actual universe as a geography’: Charles Olson’s Exploration of Dogtown in The Maximus Poems.” The Worcester Review 27.1-2 (2007): 103-16.