Mine Ertugrul
College of Management
Associate Dean
McCormack Hall Floor 05
Areas of Expertise
Corporate Finance, Investments
PhD, Finance, University of Connecticut
MBA, Finance, University of Connecticut
BA, Business Administration, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Ertugrul, M., & Marciukaityte, D. (2021). Labor unions and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Banking & Finance, 125, 106061.
- Bardos, K. S., Ertugrul, M., & Gao, L. S. (2020). Corporate social responsibility, product market perception, and firm value. Journal of Corporate Finance, 62, 101588.
- Chemmanur, T. J., Ertugrul, M., & Krishnan, K. (2019). Is it the investment bank or the investment banker? A study of the role of investment banker human capital in acquisitions. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 54(2), 587-627.
- Ertugrul, M., Lei, J., Qui, J., Wan, C. (2017). Annual Report Readability, Tone Ambiguity, and the Cost of Borrowing. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 52(2), 811-836.
- Ertugrul, M. (2015). Bargaining Power of Targets: Takeover Defenses and Top-Tier Target Advisors. Journal of Economics and Business, 78, 48-78.
- Ertugrul, M., Krishnan, K. (2014). Investment Banks in Dual Roles: Acquirer M&A Advisors as Underwriters, Journal of Financial Research 37, 159-189.
- Ertugrul, M. (2013). Employee-Friendly Acquirers and Acquisition Performance, Journal of Financial Research, 36, 347-370.
- Ertugrul, M., Krishnan, K. (2011). Can CEO Dismissals be Proactive? Journal of Corporate Finance, 17, 134-151.
- Ertugrul, M., Giambona, E. (2011). Property Segment and REIT Capital Structure. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 43(4), 505-526.
- Ertugrul, M., Hegde, S. (2009). Corporate Governance Ratings and Firm Performance. Financial Management, 38, 139-160.
- Ertugrul, M., Hegde, S. (2008). Board Compensation Practices and Agency Costs of Debt. Journal of Corporate Finance, 14, 512-531.
- Ertugrul, M., Sezer, O., Sirmans, C.F (2008). Financial Leverage, CEO Compensation, and Corporate Hedging: Evidence From Real Estate Investment Trusts. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 36(1), 53-80.
Additional Information
SSRN: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=664358
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dzxYb34AAAAJ&hl=en
- 2016 Donald Shephard Award for Distinguished Research, University of Massachusetts Boston
- Outstanding Corporate Finance Paper Award at the Eastern Finance Association Meetings in 2007
- 2006 Summer Research Award at the University of Toledo, the Doctoral Dissertation Award
- Stephen Messner Outstanding PhD Student in Finance Award at the University of Connecticut
Professional Activities
- Associate Editor – Finance and Accounting, Journal of Business Research
- Program committee member for several Eastern Finance Association and Financial Management Association Meetings
- Served as referee for the Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Real Estate Economics, Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, and The Financial Review
- Ertugrul’s research has been cited in media outlets such as Bloomberg and Dow Jones Newswires.