Marisol Negron
Director, Latino Studies Program
Area of Expertise
Latinx literary and cultural studies; popular culture and commodification; diaspora and nation; Puerto Rican and Nuyorican history and culture; Latinx student success.
BA, Dartmouth College
MA, Stanford University
PhD, Stanford University
Professional Publications & Contributions
Made in NuYoRico: Fania Records, Latin Music, and Salsa's Nuyorican Meanings (Duke UP 2024)
Articles (Selected)
“Fania Records and Its Nuyorican Imaginary: Representing Salsa as Commodity and Cultural Sign in Our Latin Thing,” Journal of Popular Music Studies. XXVII.3 (September 2015): 274-303.
"A Tale of Two Singers: Representation, Copyright, and 'El Cantante'," Latino Studies Journal. XIII.1 (March 2015): 44-68.
Rosalyn Negrón, Lorena Estrada-Martínez, and Marisol Negrón. “Puerto Rican Climate Migration After Hurricane Maria: Implications for Public Mental Health.” In Srikanth, R. and Thompson, L. Climate Justice and Public Health: Intersectional Urgencies (UMass Press 2024).
with the New England Consortium of Latina/o Studies (NECLS). "Report from the Field: New England Consortium of Latino Studies," Latino Studies, XIV.13 (2016): 1-7. doi:10.1057/s41276-016-0011-5 (available online as of September 2, 2016).
Additional Information
Affiliate Faculty, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Core Faculty, Critical Ethnic and Community Studies
Women's Studies Research Center Scholar, Brandeis University, 2023-2025
Professor Negrón is a founding member of the New England Consortium of Latin@ Studies, which brings together Latino Studies scholars from across the region to provide mentorship to junior faculty and cultivate relationships across rank, institution, and disciplinary boundaries. In 2023 she was elected to a three year term on the National Council of the American Studies Association.
Awards & Grants (Selected)
Negrón, M. (Co-PI), Negron, R. (PI), Estrada-Martinez, L. (Co-PI) and Aldrich, D. (Co-PI) National Science Foundation Grant. Social & Moral Factors in Post-Hurricane Maria Evacuation Decisions: Implications for Puerto Ricans’ Well-being, $253,862. 2020.
Negrón, M. (Co-PI), Rivera, L. (PI). Latino Student Success Initiative, Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions Title V Grant, Bunker Hill Community College, $35,000. 2022.
Negrón, M. (Co-PI), Rivera, L. (PI). “Latino Student Success Initiative,” Hildreth Family Foundation, $100,000.00. 2018.
Negrón, M. (Co-PI), Rivera, L. (PI). “Latino Student Success, Building Pathways from High School to Baccalaureate,” Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, $250,000. 2017.
Career Enhancement Fellowship, Institute for Citizens and Scholars (formerly the Woodrow Wilson Foundation) and Mellon Foundation, 2012
Mellon Mays University Fellow, Mellon Foundation, 1991-present
Courses Taught:
Imagining Latinidad: Historical Trajectories and Everyday Lives
Borderlands, Diasporas, and Transnational Identities
Social History of Popular Music
Race, Class, and Gender
The Immigrant Experience
American Identities
Modern Political, Social, and Cultural History
Ethnicity, Race, and Nationality