Laila Farsakh
Area of Expertise
Middle East Politics, Comparative Politics, Politics of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
PhD, University of London
MPhil, Cambridge University (UK)
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Rethinking Statehood in Palestine: Self-Determination beyond Partition (University of California Press, 2021)
- The Arab and Jewish Questions: Geographies of Engagement in Palestine and Beyond (Columbia University Press, 2020, co-editor)
Additional Information
Fall 2022 NO Office Hours:
Leila Farsakh is an associate professor and department chair. She is the author of Palestinian Labor Migration to Israel: Labour, Land and Occupation, (London: Routledge, second edition, 2012) and has published on questions related to the political economy of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, alternative to partition, and international migration in a wide range of academic journals, including the Middle East Journal, the European Journal of Development Research, Ethnopolitics, the International Feminist Journal of Politics, Journal of Palestine Studies and Le Monde Diplomatique. Dr. Farsakh has also worked with a number of international organizations, including the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris and since 2008 has been a senior research fellow at the Center for Development Studies at Birzeit University, in the West Bank. In 2001 she won the Peace and Justice Award from the Cambridge Peace Commission, in Cambridge-Massachusetts.
List of publications include:
Palestinian Labor Migration to Israel: Labor, Land and Occupation, (London: Routledge, 2005, second edition 2012).
Commemorating the Naksa, Evoking the Nakba, (Guest Editor of the Spring 2008 volume for the peer reviewed Electronic Journal of Middle Eastern Studies), MIT, Boston, 2008.
Refereed Journals Articles
“The Right to Have Rights: Partition and Palestinian Self-Determination” Journal of Palestine Studies, vol. 47, no.1, Fall 2017.
“Undermining Democracy in Palestine: The Politics of International Aid since Oslo.” Journal of Palestine Studies, vol. 45/46, no.4, Summer 2016, pp. 48-62.
“A Common State in Israel-Palestine: Historical Origins and Lingering Challenges.” Journal of Ethnopolitics, vol. 15, no.4, 2016, pp. 380-92.
“Knowledge Production, Colonialism and The Palestinian Economy.” Journal of Palestine Studies, vol. 45, no.2, Winter 2016, pp. 55-71, at https://works.bepress.com/leila_farsakh/21/
“Economic Prospects for a One-State Solution in Palestine-Israel.” Holy Land Studies, vol. 12, November 2013, pp. 119-140.
“The One State Solution and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Palestinian Challenges and Prospects.” Middle East Journal, vol.64 no.1, winter 2011, pp.20-45.