Laurel Wainwright
Area of Expertise
Neuropsychological, social and educational aspects of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum disorders; coping in families with children diagnosed with ASD.
PhD, Boston University
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Laurel Wainwright Chancellor's Award for Distinguished Teaching "How much can we pivot?" 2022
- Mian, N.D., Wainwright, L, Briggs-Gowan, M.J & Carter, A.S (2011) An Ecological Risk Model for Early Childhood Anxiety: The Importance of Early Child Symptoms and Temperament. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology. 39, page 501.
- Manning, M, Wainwright, L & Bennett, J (2011) “The Double ABCX Model of Adaptation in Racially Diverse Families with a School-Age Child with Autism” Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders Vol. 41, page 320.
- Manning, M & Wainwright, L (2010) “ The role of high level play as a predictor of social functioning in autism” Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders., vol 40, 523 – 533.
- Wainwright, L. & Fein, D. (1996) “Play” In: I. Rapin (ed.). Preschool Children With Inadequate Communication. Cambridge: University Press. 173 - 189.
Additional Information
Additional Information
Laurel Wainwright's research interests focus on children with a diagnosis of autism and their families. Recent work in her lab has included identifying areas of functional strengths for children on the autism spectrum as well as determining how families are coping as their children on the spectrum move into school age. Dr. Wainwright is also interested in the ways in which typical school age children gain comfort with math skills to obtain fluency with math concepts.
Teaching interests:
Statistics (Psych 370 and Psych 670)