Jorge Capetillo-Ponce
Area of Expertise
Social Theory, Race and Ethnic Relations, Media Studies, Latino Studies
PhD, New School for Social Research
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Capetillo, Jorge, Glenn Jacobs and Philip Kretsedemas, eds. 2013. Migrant Marginality: A Transnational Perspective. New York: Routledge.
- Capetillo-Ponce, J. “On Borderlands and Bridges: An Inquiry into Gloria Anzaldúa’s Methodology.” In AnaLouise Keating and Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez (eds.) Bridging: How and Why Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa’s Life and Work Transformed Our Own. University of Texas Press 2011.
- Capetillo-Ponce, J. ”Blacks and Latinos/as in Boston: Two Trends of Collective Identification.” In Latino Studies, Vol. 8, Issue 2, Summer 2010, pp. 244-270.
- Capetillo-Ponce, J. and Abreu, G. “Ethnicity, Immigration and Marginality: The Maya K’iche of New Bedford.” In The Trotter Review, Winter/Spring 2010, pp. 59-80
- Binkley, Samuel and Capetillo-Ponce, Jorge. A Foucault for the 21st. Century: Governmentality, Biopolitics, and Discipline in the New Millenium. Newcastle UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
- Capetillo-Ponce, J. “The Walls of the Labyrinth: Mapping Octavio Paz’s Sociology through Georg Simmel’s Method.” In Kozlarek, O (ed.) 2009 Octavio Paz: Humanism and Critique. Transcript Verlag, Bielefield.
- Binkley, S. and Capetillo-Ponce, J. 2008. Marxism and the Cuban Revolution: Historical and Contemporary Reflections. Rethinking Marxism. Volume 20, Number 3, July 2008, pp. 437-451
- Binkley, S. and Capetillo-Ponce, J. 2008. Foucault and the “New Man”: Conversations on Foucault in Cuba. Rethinking Marxism. Volume 20, Number 3, July 2008, pp. 452-463
- Capetillo-Ponce, J. 2008. “Framing the “Taxes and Undocumented Workers” Debate: A Critical Review of Texts Supporting Pro-Enforcement Policies and Practices” In Kretsedemas, P. and Brotherton, D. (eds.) Keeping out the other: a critical introduction to immigration enforcement today. New York: Columbia University Press.
- Capetillo-Ponce, J. “From ‘A Clash of Civilizations’ to ‘Internal Colonialism’: Reactions to the Theoretical Bases of Samuel Huntington’s ‘The Hispanic Challenge.’” Ethnicities, 2007. (SAGE, London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi) Vol 7(1): 116-134.