Evan Stewart
Evan Stewart is a political and cultural sociologist. His research focuses on belonging in public life, religious change, and the cultural dimensions of environmental crisis. He is also an associate editor at Sociology of Religion and edits the blog Sociological Images.
Area of Expertise
- Political Sociology, Cultural Sociology, Sociology of Religion
- Quantitative, Computational, and Survey Research Methods
- PhD Sociology - University of Minnesota
- MA Sociology - University of Minnesota
- BA Political Theory & Social Relations and Policy - Michigan State University
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Stewart, Evan. 2023. “Rethinking Religion & Political Participation: The Case of Voting Among Religiously Unaffiliated Americans.” Sociology of Religion. Online First
- Stewart, Evan, Penny Edgell, and Jack Delehanty. 2023. “Public Religion and Gendered Attitudes.” Social Problems. Online First
- Stewart, Evan, and Diane Beckman. 2023. “Shifting or Settled? Tracking Racial Animus During COVID-19.” Social Psychology Quarterly. 86(3): 312–333.
- Dacey, Timothy, and Evan Stewart. 2023. “The Green Elephants in the Room: Perceived Environmental Harm and Support for Regulation Among Republicans.” Sociological Inquiry 93(2):250–72.
- Kucinskas, Jaime, and Evan Stewart. 2022. “Selfish or Substituting Spirituality? Clarifying the Relationship between Spiritual Practice and Political Engagement.” American Sociological Review 87(4):584–617.
- **Equal Authorship – author order alphabetical by last name
- Rajasekar, Neeraj, Evan Stewart, and Joseph Gerteis. 2022. “Assessing Local ‘Diversity’: A Nationally Representative Analysis.” Social Currents 9(2):139–58.
- Stewart, Evan, and Douglas Hartmann. 2020. “The New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere:” Sociological Theory 38(2): 170–191.
- Edgell, Penny, Evan Stewart, Sarah Catherine Billups, and Ryan Larson. 2020. “The Stakes of Symbolic Boundaries.” The Sociological Quarterly 61(2):309–33.
- Delehanty, Jack, Penny Edgell, and Evan Stewart. 2019. “Christian America? Secularized Evangelical Discourse and the Boundaries of National Belonging.” Social Forces 97(3):1283–1306.
- Stewart, Evan, Penny Edgell, and Jack Delehanty. 2018. “The Politics of Religious Prejudice and Tolerance for Cultural Others.” The Sociological Quarterly 59(1):17–39.
- Edgell, Penny, Jacqui Frost, and Evan Stewart. 2018. “From Existential to Social Understandings of Risk: Examining Gender Differences in Nonreligion.” Social Currents 4(6):556–74.
- Edgell, Penny, Douglas Hartmann, Evan Stewart, and Joseph Gerteis. 2016. “Atheists and Other Cultural Outsiders: Moral Boundaries and the Non-Religious in the United States.” Social Forces 95(2):607–38.