Chris Barcelos
Chris Barcelos is an interdisciplinary scholar-educator whose work analyzes the social sites where sexuality, race, and power collide. They are the director of the Queer and Trans Studies Minor and an affiliate faculty with the Latino Studies programs at UMass Boston.
BA, Sociology and Gender Studies, Marlboro College
MPPA, Public Policy and Administration, University of Massachusetts Amherst
CAGS, Advanced Feminist Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst
PhD, Public Health, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Professional Publications & Contributions
Barcelos, Chris. 2025. Youth Organizing for Reproductive Justice: A Primer. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Barcelos, Chris. 2020. Distributing Condoms and Hope: The Racialized Politics of Youth Sexual Health. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. ** 2022 Sociology of Sexualities Distinguished Book Award, American Sociological Society**
Journal articles
Barcelos, Chris. 2023. “A Feminist Public Health Abortion Pedagogy: Building Space for Reluctant Students.” Feminist Pedagogy 3(2): Article 1.
Barcelos, Chris. 2023. “Fluid-bonding and Feelings Condoms: The Social Worlds of Queer and Trans Safer Sex.” Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 9(1): 1-17.
Orum Hernández, Gabrielle and Chris Barcelos. 2023. “Queer Punishments: School Safety and Youth of Color in the United States.” Equity and Excellence in Education 56(1–2): 87–99.
Barcelos, Chris. “Adventures in Fisting.” 2023. Sex Education 23(3): 279-286.
Barcelos, Chris, j. nyla mcneill, Yanté Tuner, and Edie Ma'iingan Redwine. 2023. “The Trans Youth Justice Project: A Leadership Development and Political Education Program.” Journal of LGBT Youth 20(2): 265-281.
Barcelos, Chris. 2022. “The Affective Politics of Care in t4t Crowdfunding.” TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 9(1): 28-43.
Barcelos, Chris. 2020. “Go Fund Inequality: The Politics of Crowdfunding Transition-Related Medical Care.” Critical Public Health 30(3): 330-339.
Barcelos, Chris. 2019. “Transfeminist Pedagogy and the Women’s Health Classroom.” Feminist Formations 31(3): 1-24.
Barcelos, Chris. 2019. “Bye-bye Boobies: Normativity and Medicalization in Transgender Medical Crowdfunding.” Culture, Health, & Sexuality 21(12): 1394-1408.
Jennings, Linn, Chris Barcelos, and Kristen Malecki. 2019. “Inequalities in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Health and Health Care Access and Utilization in Wisconsin.” Preventive Health Reports 14: 1-7.
Barcelos, Chris and Stephanie Budge. 2019. “Inequalities in Crowdfunding Transgender Healthcare.” Transgender Health 4(1): 81-88.
Barcelos, Chris. 2018. “Culture, Contraception, and Colorblindness: Youth Sexual Health Promotion as a Gendered Racial Project.” Gender & Society 32(2): 252-273.
Additional Information
Barcelos’s first book Distributing Condoms and Hope: The Racialized Politics of Youth Sexual Health (University of California Press, 2020) was awarded the Distinguished Book Award by the American Sociological Association Sexualities Section. Barcelos loves a good meme, a strong cup of coffee, and answering “not enough” when someone asks how many cats they have.