Atreya Chakraborty
College of Management
Director of PhD Program & Acaddemic Partnerships
McCormack Hall Floor 05
Areas of Expertise
Corporate Finance, International Finance, Small Business Finance
PhD, Boston College
Professional Publications & Contributions
- Chakraborty, A., Gao, L.S., Musa, P. (2022). "Corporate Social Responsibility and Litigation Risk: Evidence from Securities Class Action Lawsuits." Accounting and Finance.
- Chakraborty, A. Grant, J. Trahan, E.A. and Verma, B. "When should Investors Short the Stocks of Acquiring Firms? Big-data Insights Using CAR and EVA Style Analysis." Journal of Investing, 28(1), 17-29 (2019).
- Chakraborty, A. Gao. LS. Sheikh S. "Corporate Governance and Risk in Cross-listed and Canadian Only Companies." Management Decision, (2018).
- Chakraborty, A. Gao. LS. Sheikh S. "Does Size Affect the Relation Between Option Compensation and Managerial Risk Taking? Evidence from Canadian Listed Companies." International Journal of Finance & Economics, Vol. 24, No. 1, 20-32, (2018).
- Chakraborty, A. Gao. LS. Sheikh S. "Managerial Risk Taking Incentives, Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Risk." Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 101, 58-72, (2018).
- Chakraborty, A. Baum and Liu. "Corporate Financial Policy and the Value of Cash Under Uncertainty." International Journal of Managerial Finance, 13(2), 149-164, (2017).
- Chakraborty, A. Grant, J. Trahan, E.A. "The EVA Style Approach to Tactical Asset Allocation." Journal of Wealth Management, 20(2), 41-53, (2017).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Baum and Bohn. "Securities Fraud and Corporate Board Turnover: New Evidence from Lawsuit Outcomes." International Review of Law and Economics, 48, 14-25, (2016).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Sheikh and Razkhanov. “Antitakeover Provisions, Managerial Entrenchment and Firm Innovation.” Journal of Economics and Business, 72, 30-43, (2014).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Barkoulas and Oandilu. “A Metric and Topological Analysis of Determinism in the Crude Oil Spot Market." Energy Economics, 34, 584-591, (2012).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Baum and Liu. “The effect of uncertainty and corporate governance on firms’ demand for liquidity.” Applied Economics, Vol. 44, 515-525, (2012).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Baum and Liu. "Impact of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Firms Changes in Financial Leverage.” International Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 15, 22-30, (2010).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Subramanian, N. and Sheikh, S. “The Relationship between Incentive Compensation and Performance Related CEO Turnover”. Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 61, 295-311, (2009).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Barkoulas & Farah. “Takeover Defenses, Golden Parachutes, and Bargaining Over Stochastic Synergy Gains: A Note on Optimal Contracting." European Journal of Finance, 14 (4), 273-280, (2008).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Subramanian, N. and Sheikh, S.“Termination Risk and Managerial Risk Taking.” Journal of Corporate Finance, 13,170-188, (2007).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Subramanian, N. and Sheikh, S. “Re-pricing and Executive Turnover”. The Financial Review, 42,121-141, (2007).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Charles Hu. “Lending Relationships in Line-of-Credit and Non-Line-of-Credit Loans: Evidence from Collateral Use in Small Business.” Journal of Financial Intermediation, 15-1, 86-107, (2006).
- Chakraborty, Atreya, Barkoulas, J. and Baum, C. "Waves and Persistence in Merger and Acquisition Activity." Economic Letters, 70, 237-243, (2001).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Barkoulas, J. and Baum, C. "Forward Premiums and Market Efficiency: Panel Unit-Room Evidence from the Term Structure of the Forward Premiums." Journal of Macroeconomics, 25(1), 109-122, (2001).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Arnott, R. “Takeover Defenses and Dilution: A Welfare Analysis”. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 36: 3, 311 - 334, (2001).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Barkoulas, J. "Dynamic Futures Hedging in Currency Markets." European Journal of Finance, 5(4), 299-314, (1999).
- Chakraborty, Atreya. Kazarosian, M. and Trahan, E.A. "Uncertainty in Executive Compensation and Capital Investment: A Panel Study." Financial Management, 28:4, 126-139, (1999).
Additional Information
Courses Taught
Options and Derivatives, Risk Management, Investments, Financial Theory, Managerial Finance
Research Interests
Corporate Finance, Risk Management, Executive Compensation, Corporate Governance
Professional Activities
Editorial Board, The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance
College of Management Research Fellow, 2007-2008
- Dean’s Award for Distinguished Research Award, 2005- 2006
- Betty Diener Award for Teaching Excellence, 2006
- Sloan Foundation Award 1998