UMass Boston

Anne Blaschke, Associate Lecturer, American Studies

Anne Blaschke

American Studies
Associate Lecturer


Anne M. Blaschke is a historian of twentieth-century U.S. political culture in the Department of American Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. She has published academic articles on U.S. political economy, gender, sports, diplomacy, immigration, and civil rights. She is revising her first book manuscript, Foxes, Not Oxes: Women’s Athletics in American Political Culture, for publication. Title IX—the 1972 law mandating sex equality in American education—is the subject of her second book project.

Area of Expertise

  • Post-1945 U.S. politics and culture
  • Sports history
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
  • Women and gender
  • Civil rights
  • Diplomacy
  • Capitalism


Boston University, History

M.A., Boston University, History

B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara, History

Professional Publications & Contributions

“The Paradox of Integration: Racial Composition of NFL Positions from 1960 to 2020,” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 9 (2023): 451-469. Co-authored with Marquez-Velarde, G., Grashow, R., Glass, C., Gillette, G., Taylor, H. A., & Whittington, A. J.

“Race, Gender, and Diplomacy” in Tyson Reeder, ed., The Routledge History of U.S. Foreign Relations (London: Routledge Publishing): December 2021.

“Running the Cold War: Gender, Race, and Track in U.S. Cultural Diplomacy, 1955-75,” Diplomatic History 40 (November 2016): 826-844.

“The ‘Dulles Doctrine on Love’: Immigration, Gender, and Romance in American Diplomacy, 1956-57,” Journal of American Studies 50 (May 2016): 397-417.

“Reassessing Activism: Sport, Femininity, and the Nashville Civil Rights Movement, 1955-1965,” The Mind’s Eye: A Liberal Arts Journal at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (2015): 6-22.

Additional Information

News Media Publications

“Title IX has been Spectacularly Successful and Disturbingly Unfulfilled,” Washington Post (Made by History), June 23, 2022.

“Patients Get Better Care from Doctors who are Women. But Sexism Persists in Medicine,” co-authored with Arghavan Salles, Washington Post (Made by History), January 21, 2022.

“‘Sex and the City’ Ignored Sexual Misconduct—and is Facing the Consequences,” Washington Post (Made by History), December 29, 2021.

The Kavanaugh Allegations Show What We Have–and Haven’t–Learned from Anita Hill,” co-authored with Katherine Turk, Washington Post (Made by History), September 18, 2018.

“Why This is the Moment for a ‘9 to 5’ Sequel,” Washington Post (Made by History),August 7, 2018.

“Nassar’s Abuse Represents More than 50 Years of Men’s Power over Female Athletes,” The Conversation, January 30, 2018. (Re-published in Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, SF Gate, Business Insider, Houston Chronicle, Pittsburgh Courier, and others)

“#MeToo is Undoing the Devil’s Bargain of the 1990s,” Washington Post (Made by History), December 7, 2017.

“Trump Snubbed the Warriors. But the Warriors Will Come Out on Top,” Washington Post (Made by History), July 7, 2017.

“The Continued Relevance of Sports Diplomacy,” OUPblog (Oxford University Press Blog), January 4, 2017.