UMass Boston

Records & Retention

All university records are owned by the university regardless of their physical location, even when in the possession of individuals. University records may not be destroyed except in accordance with approved record retention and disposition schedules.

University employees are required to comply with and reference University Record Retention and Disposition Schedules to determine the length of time a particular class of records must be maintained, and the final disposition of a record. Departments maintaining Official Records shall ensure they are protected in accordance with these Standards. Department Records Custodians will be appointed to assist with this important effort.

It is critical that disposal of “expired” records is performed on a timely basis as failure to do so can lead to unnecessary expenditure of resources (e.g., space, staff time) and liability (e.g., requests for information under statute or legal proceedings).

Such guidelines shall be consistent with Massachusetts General Laws, c. 66 and other applicable state statutes governing retention of public and official records and disposition of obsolete records, as well as with any contractual commitments or federal law or regulation which may apply. The guidelines shall provide for the proper maintenance and protection of archived records, and for the adoption of schedules for disposition of obsolete records, which schedules shall to the extent practicable given University needs and requirements be consistent with schedules adopted by the State Records Conservation Board.