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Ceremony Details
Where & when will Commencement take place?
All-College Doctoral Hooding
Wednesday, May 28, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.
This ceremony will take place at UMass Boston,100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125.
Graduate Commencement Ceremony
Wednesday, May 28, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.
This ceremony will take place at UMass Boston, Campus Center Lawn, 100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125.
Students receiving doctoral and master's degrees, certificates of advanced graduate study (CAGS) and post-master's certificates are invited to participate in this program.
Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony
Thursday, May 29, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.
This ceremony will take place at UMass Boston, Campus Center Lawn, 100 Morrissey Boulevard, Boston, MA 02125.
Students receiving bachelor's degrees are invited to participate in this program.
Commencement Programs
As part of UMass Boston’s commitment to environmental sustainability, we publish a digital-only Commencement program book for our ceremonies. Students, families, and friends will be able to access a downloadable program – which will include full ceremony details, featured speakers, and graduate names and honors – during the week leading up to Commencement. As we honor and celebrate our graduates, we thank you in advance for joining us in making eco-conscious choices that benefit both our environment and future generations.
**Please note: Commencement Programs posted here before the May 31st and August 31st degree conferral dates are for ceremonial purposes only. Final listing of graduates is subject to change based on the results of pending degree audits. Updated versions will be posted after the May and August conferral dates.
Will the ceremony be livestreamed?
Yes, the ceremonies are livestreamed every year. Links to the livestream will be posted here and on the Commencement homepage as the dates draw near. Livestream links will also be circulated to graduates and any of their registered guests (provided that the graduate has listed an e-mail address for their guests) in the week leading up to the ceremonies.
Will the ceremony take place in the rain?
Yes. The Commencement ceremonies will take place rain or shine. Graduate and guest seating is not covered, so please check the weather forecast and plan accordingly (ex. bring rain coats, sunscreen, etc.). Please note: umbrellas are not allowed within the ticketed seating area.
Will there be indoor viewing locations?
Yes, the ceremony will be live-streamed on large projection screens in University Hall and the Campus Center. Viewing will be available in the University Hall auditoriums and certain rooms on the first and second floor, as well as on all screens in the Campus Center, including in the Food Court. On Thursday, the Ballroom will also be available for indoor viewing. Signage and staff will direct guests to the locations on commencement day. These indoor locations will not be ticketed.
Bag Searches & Other Guidelines
In order to ensure that our graduates and their guests have the best possible experience, heightened security and bag checks will be in effect during each ceremony. We ask for the community’s cooperation and understanding with the following:
- Normal-sized handbags, purses, clear bags, and camera bags will be allowed
- All bags will be physically inspected prior to entry and are subject to search at any time
- No firearms, knives, explosives, or other weapons are allowed.
- No cans, coolers, and other containers (except in cases of medical need, as certified by a physician) are allowed.
- No artificial noise makers, air horns, or megaphones may be used
- No promotional items with commercial slogans or identification
- No signs, flags, poles, banners, balloons, or laser pointers
- No umbrellas, luggage, extra-large bags, or wrapped gifts
- Any item that may be deemed a security risk will not be allowed into the venues.
Commencement Day Campus Map
A 2025 Commencement Day Campus Map will be posted closer to Commencement. The Commencement Day Campus Map will identify important locations such as designated parking areas, ceremony site, student line-up location and more.
Participation & Attendance
What do I have to do to participate in Commencement?
Step 1 - Apply For Graduation
All students (both Graduate and Undergraduate) must declare their intent to graduate with the Registrar by applying for graduation in WISER. For December 2024 graduates, the deadline to apply was October 25, 2024. For May 2025 and August 2025 graduates, the deadline to apply is March 14, 2025.
A complete explanation of filing for graduation can be found on the registrar's website. If you have further questions about degree requirements or the degree review process, undergraduate students can email ugrad@umb.edu and graduate students can email graduate.records@umb.edu.
Step 2 - Register to Attend Commencement
Once you apply for graduation, you’re on “the list” and will receive emails and other notifications regarding how to register for the ceremony, how to order your cap and gown, and other information pertinent to the ceremonies.
All students who have applied for graduation will receive e-mails and instructions from "Tassel" (third party vendor) and The Office of University Events & Ceremonies (via events@umb.edu).
Graduates must register to attend the ceremony through Tassel. Graduates who have completed step 1 will receive instructions from Tassel on how to register for the ceremonies starting March 24, 2025. The deadline to register to attend is April 27, 2025.
What if I completed my requirements during the Fall 2024 Semester?
The University of Massachusetts Boston holds Commencement exercises in the spring semester only. These celebrations recognize Fall 2024, Spring 2025 and Summer 2025 graduates.
Any student who has fulfilled their requirements during the Fall 2024 semester or anticipates fulfilling requirements in the Spring 2025 or Summer 2025 semesters is invited to participate in 2025 Commencement ceremonies. Fall 2024 graduates will have their diploma mailed to them during the spring semester, and all students who have filed for graduation will receive information about the 2025 Commencement Ceremonies.
Fall 2024 graduates should be sure to check their official University e-mail addresses after completing their requirements. Your official University e-mail address will be required to register to attend Commencement.
What if I won't complete my requirements until August 2025?
You are still eligible to walk in the May 2025 ceremony providing that you apply to graduate with the Registrar's Office by March 14, 2025 and are approved as an August 2025 graduate.
If I can't attend the ceremony this May, can I walk next May?
Students who have applied to graduate are invited to walk in the Commencement ceremony for the corresponding graduation term of which they applied. If a graduate applies for a December 2024, May 2025, or August 2025 graduation term, they will only be on the May 2025 Commencement list and only eligible to participate in that ceremony, not future ceremonies.
I do not plan to attend Commencement. Do I still need to apply for graduation and pay the graduation processing fee?
Yes. All students must apply for graduation and pay the graduation processing fee in order to complete their degree requirements, have their degree awarded, and receive their diploma. The graduation processing fee is a one-time, non-refundable fee that is added to your student account when you apply to graduate. This fee includes costs related to diplomas, academic regalia, publications, convocation and commencement ceremony expenses. Attending commencement is not mandatory.
Students who do not plan to attend should still complete their Tassel registration between March 24 - April 27, 2025 to let us know that they will not attend the ceremony. This helps us receive an accurate count of those attending and allows us to redistribute guest tickets to those who may request more than their initial allotment.
What College am I in?
The University of Massachusetts Boston has 6 colleges and an Honors College. Please review the UMass Boston Degree Listing by College - Spring 2024 to see which college you belong to. If you have a double major in two different colleges you may pick up a tassel for each, but you can only march and sit with one of the colleges during the ceremony.
How many tickets do I get?
Each Doctoral, CAGS, EDS, Post-Masters, and Masters candidate for the GRADUATE ceremony on May 28 at the University of Massachusetts Boston will receive 5 tickets. * Doctoral candidates will receive separate tickets for the hooding ceremony that will take place earlier in the day on Wednesday, May 28. The exact number of tickets for the doctoral ceremony is currently under review and will be updated once we determine the maximum setup capacity.
Each Bachelors candidate for the UNDERGRADUATE ceremony on May 29 at the University of Massachusetts Boston will receive 4 tickets.
This year we are projecting the largest graduating class in UMass Boston history. Because of this growth, seating is limited at both ceremonies, to ensure the comfort and safety of everyone. Ticket allocation has been based on the estimated number of participants at each ceremony. Graduates themselves do not need tickets, but their guests do.
How do I access my electronic guest tickets?
Starting on March 24, 2025, graduates will be able to log into Tassel to claim their allotted guest tickets electronically. Once you log into Tassel and access the registration form, at the bottom, you will be able to claim your allotted guest tickets. After submitting the form, you will have the option to print your guests’ tickets or to email them directly to your guests. Graduates must claim their tickets by Friday, May 9, 2025. Unclaimed tickets will be released to other graduates after this date.
Can I request additional tickets?
The availability of additional tickets is not guaranteed. However, graduates will be able to request additional tickets on a first-come, first-served basis through Tassel. Please keep in mind that the availability of additional tickets is not guaranteed and will not be determined until all eligible graduates have had the chance to RSVP for the ceremony and claim their allotted tickets. The Tassel RSVP deadline is April 27, 2025. Graduates will have until Friday, May 9, 2025 to claim their tickets. Graduates will be notified the week of May 12th as to whether their additional ticket request has been fulfilled.
Do infants and small children need a ticket?
Lap children under 2 years of age do not need a ticket unless they need a designated chair.
When do I get my diploma, and what will be on it?
Paper diplomas are mailed via USPS Ground Shipping to the diploma/mailing address listed in WISER. Diplomas are mailed based on your degree date and follow the shipping schedule below.
Degree Date | U.S. Delivery by: | International Delivery by: |
December 31, 2024 | March 2025 | April 2025 |
May 31, 2025 | August 2025 | September 2025 |
August 31, 2025 | November 2025 | December 2025 |
Your diploma will state the type of degree earned (Master's or Bachelor's), your date of degree conferral, university honors if applicable, and the major(s) pursued. The name printed on your diploma will be the name listed in WISER. It will not be the name you submit on Tassel for the ceremony.
Diplomas are mailed directly from the diploma company to your mailing address. To ensure delivery, make sure all contact information is up to date in WISER; and if you are moving, be sure to set up the appropriate mail forwarding services with your post office.
How can I obtain an electronic copy of my diploma?
The University of Massachusetts Boston now offers Certified Electronic Diploma and Certificates (CeDiploma/CeCertificate).
Read more information on how to order and download your diploma.
Academic Regalia
How do I get my cap and gown (academic regalia)?
Academic regalia (cap & gown) is available to order through our academic regalia provider, Balfour. Graduates who apply for graduation by the posted deadlines will receive e-mails instructing them to order regalia online by the posted ordering deadlines.
Ordering Deadlines:
Ship to Home: Sunday, April 13, 2025
Ship to Home (International Addresses): Sunday, April 13, 2025
Do I have to pay for my cap and gown (academic regalia)?
No, you will not be charged for your academic regalia or for the shipping. The degree processing fee covers this expense. The fee is listed on the Bursar’s website.
How do I lookup my Student ID?
Visit the Student ID Lookup website to obtain your student ID. You'll need your ID number to order your cap and gown.
What color tassel or hood will I get?
It depends on which college you are graduating from. Please consult the listing of Tassel and Hood Academic Colors - 2024 to see which color tassel or hood you will be receiving.
How do I get my cord or stole?
The University does not give cords based on grade point average. Certain associations, departments, and clubs on campus may distribute cords and stoles. Honors cords and/or stoles are distributed by specific affiliations. Please check with your affiliations for specific information.
Class Rings, Photos & More
Where can I buy a class ring or other graduation products?
How do I get graduation portraits?
Graduation portraits can be taken on campus during the Spring Semester. There is no cost to have your portrait taken; photographs will be available for purchase according to your personal portrait needs. Don’t forget that you can use these portraits for your Professional Networking and Job Search sites. Photographers will be available on campus on select dates in Spring 2025. Scheduling links will be posted and emailed to graduating students in mid-March. Portraits will take place on the following dates:
March 24-28, 2025
March 31-April 4, 2025
April 7-11, 2025
Where: Location details listed for each appointment.
To schedule your appointment: https://book.usesession.com/s/V7T2oJp05h
For Support: 1-800-736-4775 prestigelwarea@lifetouch.com
It is important that you arrive on time for your scheduled appointment. No walk-ins are permitted.
Portraits will be taken in your own Business Attire and Cap & Gown. Cap/Gown attire will be provided.
There is no cost to have your portrait taken and photographs will be available for purchase according to your personal portrait needs.
Will there be a photographer taking pictures at the Commencement ceremony?
Yes. Professional photographers from Grad Images will capture images of graduates as they walk across the Commencement stage.
For the convenience of everyone, please do not stop and pose, and please ask your guests to remain seated during the ceremony. You will be contacted after the ceremony at your home address and given an opportunity to purchase prints, but you are not obliged to do so.
You can search for your photo from the ceremony at this site: findmygrad.com
Enter your last name, school (University of Massachusetts Boston) and year (2025) to see proofs of your photographs after the ceremony.
Do you have any dining recommendations for after the ceremony?
Graduates and guests who wish to make post-Commencement dining arrangements are welcome to review a curated restaurant guide highlighting a variety of Boston area restaurants. Advanced reservations are recommended. This list is for informational purposes only. UMass Boston has no affiliation with any of the establishments included.
I have guests coming from outside the U.S. Can you help with that?
Since the purpose of a tourist visa does not directly involve UMass Boston sponsorship, it is the responsibility of the graduate and their guests to check visa requirements to visit the U.S. If a letter is required for a tourist visa application, a Letter of Invitation must be written by the graduate. It is recommended that graduates supply the Applicant with an Enrollment Verification, a copy of your transcripts, or a Graduation Letter.
The Registrar’s Office accepts requests for graduation letters, which can be included with any personal invitations that graduates send to family or friends. You can find out more and access the Graduation Letter Request Form on the Registrar’s website.
Once the form is completed, undergraduate students should send the form to ugrad@umb.edu and graduate students should send the form to graduate.records@umb.edu.
Please note that a graduation letter is not for proof of degree and is not for visa sponsorship.
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125-3393 USA
Maps & Directions
Additional Information
Contact the Office of University Events at events@umb.edu or 617.287.5313