Dear friends of the Catherine Frisone Scott Center for Italian Cultural Studies at UMass Boston in Honor of John B. Frisone,
Our Center would like to help fund your travel to Italy!
Will you be traveling to Italy on a UMass Boston-approved program or for an independent project? If so, you are eligible to apply for a grant that you can put toward the cost of that program and travel. Winners will be listed on our Center’s webpage and Facebook page. Grants will be for $500.
Please email applications as an attachment to ItalianCenter@umb.edu. Applications should include the following:
- The name of the student and transcript from UMass Boston
- The name of the study-abroach or research program
- Dates and location of travel in Italy
- A description of the study-abroach or research program (300 words maximum)
- A description of the student's interest in Italian culture and how the program fits into their studies (300 words maximum)
- Contact information (including email address) for an academic reference from UMass Boston
The submission deadline will be announced later this academic year. The winner will be announced in early May.
Are you faculty organizing a trip to Italy? Please encourage your students to apply for this award!
For any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at ItalianCenter@umb.edu.