UMass Boston

Energy and Carbon Master Plan

The goal of the Energy and Carbon Master Plan is to provide practical, cost-effective energy efficiency, electrification, on-site renewable, and resiliency solutions. By implementing a range of initiatives and investments, UMB aims to meet environmental mandates, significantly reduce emissions, and create a sustainable campus for the future. 

Sustainability and environmental justice are key themes of the recent Campus Master Plan. The Master Plan incorporates strategies including energy-efficient buildings, renewable energy sources, recyclable and locally available materials, and clean transportation alternatives. The concurrently developed Energy & Carbon Master Plan aims to operationalize these strategies and meet state climate change reduction goals. Through this plan, UMass Boston will meet the goals of Executive Order 594.

  • Executive Order 594 establishes iterative miles to reduce GHG emissions from state government operations, aligning with the statewide goal of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
  • Progress is reported via the Commonwealth's Leading by Example dashboard

Cover of Energy and Carbon Master Plan with aerial view of campus

  • Sets the path to meet the 2050 goal to burn no onsite fossil fuels, reach net-zero emissions, and increase resilience
  • Prepared through a participatory process with the Chancellors’ Committee for Sustainability
  • Plans for growth while still reducing energy use in total
  • Accomplishes this by :
    1. Reducing building energy consumption and enhancing resiliency in existing buildings
    2. Building very efficient and resilient new buildings
    3. Switching fuel sources by electrifying the Central Building and expanding Sea-water pumps for heating & cooling
    4. Utilizing renewable energy on and offsite

Energy & Carbon Master Plan

 Energy Carbon Master Plan Executive Summary