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Quad Development
The Substructure, Science Center, Pool Building and Plaza Demolition and Quadrangle Development (SDQD) project is the signature component of UMass Boston's physical transformation identified in the 25-Year Campus Master Plan (2009). This project was designed to address issues in the original campus construction by demolishing the Science Center and pool, and the associated substructure and plaza. In its place is a sustainable green quadrangle providing various campus gathering spaces and circulation between buildings.
Experience the Future Quad
See how it will feel walking through the new Quad after its completion in 2024.
The SDQD project will move the campus away from its original inward-facing layout, creating a welcoming environment with buildings well-connected to the landscape, the waterfront, and the surrounding communities. Permanent structural stabilization in Wheatley and McCormack Halls will be undertaken to preserve their useful life. The project will also establish a new parking lot to replace campus parking from the Bayside Lot, enabling the development of the Bayside site. Principles of universal design and sustainability are central to the project to improve the safety, accessibility, and resiliency of the campus.

The university has been readying the campus for the SDQD project by relocating programs and functions from the Science Center through the implementation of the Master Plan projects, such as the ISC, University Hall, UCRR, and REAB. The relocation of remaining Science Center programs through REAB in 2019/20 has enabled the demolition and construction to begin. The project includes thoughtful planning for the interim period while the demolition occurs in addition to the finished conditions, with safe and functional continued operation of academic programs and student life a critical consideration.
The project began with a phase of soft demolition largely consisting of interior work in the summer of 2020. The bulk demolition of the Science Center and portions of the Substructure occurred between summer 2020 and late spring 2021. Structural works, earthworks and final landscaping of paths and plantings will then be undertaken.
This $137 million part of the overall $181.7M project (which includes the recently completed REAB project) is being managed by Hill International and designed by NBBJ and Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates.