UMass Boston

close up of hand with painted fingernails with calculator and notes on paper
Accounting & Finance

Welcome to the Department of Accounting & Finance

UMass Boston's Department of Accounting & Finance has a cutting-edge curriculum that is designed to keep pace with the fast changes in the Accounting and Finance industry. Classes are taught by dedicated faculty that focuses on student success. Careful attention is paid to providing rigorous academic knowledge and preparing students to be critical thinkers and thought leaders in their careers.

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Academic Programs


  • Xiaolu Xu has won an award for Outstanding Reviewer in the 2023 Emerald Literati Awards, selected by the editorial team of Asian Review of Accounting!
  • According to a paper in the Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy, Chi Wan is ranked one of the top 100 accounting scholars based on the number of downloads.

About Our Department

The Accounting concentration provides students with a broad understanding of both accounting theory and techniques in preparation for a full range of career opportunities in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. The curriculum reflects the knowledge and skills necessary for professional success in the dynamic and critical areas of public and private accounting. The Finance concentration offers courses in corporate finance, investment and portfolio management, financial institutions and markets, and financial policy. The curriculum has been carefully designed to reflect the essential knowledge and skills necessary for success in the lucrative and challenging field of finance. 

Our specialized master’s programs are STEM designated. In a fast-changing world of AI and Big Data, our rigorous curriculum trains and develops our students into proficient financial and market data analytics. The Masters in Finance program is affiliated with the CFA Institute, and we offer CFA scholarships to our students. The Masters in Accounting program has a Level I designation by the Massachusetts CPA Society. We offer different delivery modalities including in-person and online options. We also provide our students with access to a student-managed fund, Bloomberg certification, and industry speaker events, all of which are designed to enhance their learning experience.

The finance track in our PhD program provides a unique curriculum. It is taught by both accounting and finance faculty and demands competency tests in both subject areas. Additionally, the curriculum has been updated to include state-of-the-art classes in data science (natural language processing, machine learning, and textual analysis). This new emphasis on data science provides students with the tools needed to differentiate their research in a very competitive area.



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Department of Accounting

Surjit Tinaikar
Department Chair and Associate Professor 
College of Management
McCormack Hall, 5th Floor