Technical Assistance Center, Trainings and Resources
School-Based Behavioral Health TA Center: Tips and Tools
Join us for the BIRCh Project's monthly seminars, as part of our statewide School-Based Behavioral Health Technical Assistance Center! More information is on the attached flier. Please complete this form to indicate your interest and availability for these live online seminars related to tips and tools you can implement in your practice.
Seminars will occur monthly for 1 hour (3:30-4:30pm EST). Dates are listed below next to each topical seminar. All seminars are virtual and the same Zoom link will be used for each seminar. Please use this Zoom link to join the seminars:
Participants can earn a 1 hour certificate of completion to put toward their DESE PDPs if they attend the entirety of the session and complete a pre and posttest (posttest with 80% or higher accuracy).
Seminar 1: The “Why” Behind Student Behavior (Wednesday, November 9th from 3:30-4:30pm EST)
Seminar 2: Work Smarter, Not Harder: Aligning your PBIS and SEL Efforts (Wednesday, December 7th from 3:30-4:30pm EST)
Seminar 3: Know Where To Go! Understanding the Roles and Functions of School Behavioral Health Staff (Wednesday, January 25th from 3:30-4:30pm EST)
Seminar 4: Tackling Tier 2 (Wednesday, February 15th from 3:30-4:30pm EST)
Seminar 5: “You Can Do Hard Things”– Helping Your Students Cope with Anxiety(Wednesday, March 8th from 3:30-4:30pm EST)
Seminar 6: Tier 3: The Top of the Triangle (Wednesday, April 5th from 3:30-4:30pm EST)
Seminar 7: S is for Screening within MTSS (Wednesday, May 3rd from 3:30-4:30pm EST)
Please contact with any questions.
Hope to see you there!
The BIRCh Project Team
UMass Boston and UMass Amherst
Online Asynchronous Modules
Can I receive Professional Development Points (PDPs) to put toward my Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education license renewal?
Yes, you can receive a certificate of completion to put toward your license renewal after completing the modules. In order for us to monitor your completion of the modules, you must register to receive instructions for accessing the modules using the below form(s). You must complete all of the modules in a content area to receive a certificate (example, you must complete all of the 7 modules on universal screening to receive a certificate). If you are not interested in receiving a certificate of completion, you can access the modules using the links available on our website. You will NOT receive a certificate of completion for viewing these modules on our YouTube channel that you can access in the descriptions below.
Screening modules: To register to receive instructions for accessing the screening modules to receive a certificate of completion, please click here
Hospital to School Transition modules: To register to receive instructions for accessing the Hospital to School Transition modules to receive a certificate of completion, please click here
Supporting Youth in Schools and in the Community: Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors: To register to receive instructions for accessing the Supporting Youth in the Schools and in the Community modules to receive a certificate of completion, please click here
What other online learning is available from the BIRCh website?
The below screening modules and hospital to school transition modules are freely available to view and we encourage you to share with your school team and other educators. Additional online learning that is in development by the BIRCh project includes strategies for collaborating with mobile crisis intervention (MCI) teams and implementation of Tier 2 and Tier 3 systems.
Table of Contents
Supporting Youth in Schools and in the Community: Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors

The BIRCh Project at UMass and the Office of the Child Advocate have partnered to develop a FREE 10 module training curriculum for the Paraprofessional and Mentor workforce. The following training modules are based upon evidence-based practices, stakeholder interviews, and corresponding materials with the goal of improving social, emotional, and behavioral services for children across multiple settings. The modules focus on expanding the toolboxes of professionals related to culturally responsive and trauma-informed assessment, prevention, and intervention practices. Modules will address strategies for fostering well-being, behavior management, and skill building of youth. Additionally, modules will also address fostering well-being as staff and behavioral health career pathways to explore for those interested. Please email us at if you are interested in live training/coaching around these modules. We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Thank you to the Office of the Child Advocate for funding this project!
Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors: Module 1
Introduction to Module Series
Length: 25 minutes
Description of content: This module will provide an overview of (1) the different roles, types of, duties and challenges paras and mentors face on a regular basis, (2) evidence-based public health approaches, and (3) considerations for more inclusive, culturally responsive and trauma-informed practices.
We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors: Module 2
Understanding behavior: The ABCs
Length: 34 minutes
Description of content: After viewing this module, participants will be able to (1) define and provide examples of the ABCs of behavior (antecedents, behaviors, and consequences), (2) describe methods for de-escalating challenging behavior as well as prevention and intervention strategies, and (3) demonstrate understanding of trauma in a systemic context and tools to support children who are trauma survivors.
We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors: Module 3
Engagement Strategies at Tier 1
Length: 37 minutes
Description of content: After viewing this module, participants will (1) learn more about universal prevention, (2) gain an understanding of the Prevent, Teach, Reinforce framework and strategies to utilize in each domain of the framework, and (3) learn steps to use in delivering effective directions to youth.
We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors: Module 4
Skill Building at Tiers 2 and 3: Setting the Stage for Intervention Implementation
Length: 25 minutes
Description of content: After viewing this module, participants will be able to (1) name 1-2 strategies for collaborating with a youth’s team to develop interventions and monitor the effectiveness of these interventions, (2) increase understanding related to group dynamics to apply to small and large group settings, (3) practice effective goal setting strategies, and (4) learn more about documentation to foster positive youth outcomes and improve collaboration.
We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors: Module 5
Skill Building at Tiers 2 and 3: Adding to Your Intervention Toolbox
Length: 38 minutes
Description of content: After viewing this module, participants will be able to (1) name 1-2 Tier 2 and 3 more intensive intervention strategies to add to their toolboxes, (2) learn more how to monitor to see if these interventions are helping youth through progress monitoring, and (3) understand more about applying a culturally responsive and trauma-informed lenses to our work.
We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors: Module 6
Fostering Wellbeing of Staff and Students
Length: 30 minutes
Description of content: Participants will work on (1) defining what well-being means to them, (2) understanding the concept of self-care in context including fostering well-being at work, (3) fostering the wellbeing of youth in practice, and (4) building the coping toolboxes of youth and staff with tools that work for them.
We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors: Module 7
Responding to Challenging Behavior
Length: 40 minutes
Description of content: After viewing this module, participants will become familiar with (1) the four common functions of behavior, (2) four steps to use in responding to challenging behavior, and (3) strategies for reinforcing prosocial behaviors in order to decrease the occurrence of challenging behaviors.
We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors: Module 8
Assessment: School and Community Settings
Length: 17 minutes
Description of content: After viewing this module, participants will (1) become familiar with assessment processes and tools that can be utilized in community settings, (2) develop a general understanding of the special education evaluation process in educational settings, and (3) understand processes for collaborating with team members and collaborating across systems.
We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors: Module 9
Career Paths and Certifications
Length: 22 minutes
Description of content: After viewing this module, participants will (1) learn more about additional behavioral health professions that paraprofessionals and mentors can explore that build off of their current skill set, (2) gain an understanding of some of the barriers to retaining paraprofessionals and mentors, and (3) consider some factors when exploring a career path in behavioral health.
We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Trainings for Paraprofessionals and Mentors: Module 10
Mental Health Diagnoses: Community and School Settings
Length: 22 minutes
Description of content: After viewing this module, participants will learn more about (1) some common mental health symptoms and diagnoses, (2) the overlap between trauma and ADHD symptoms, and (3) the differences between DSM-V diagnoses and DESE educational categories.
We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Hospital to School Transition Modules

Hospital to School Transition modules: The purpose of these 5 hospital to school transition modules is to provide (1) provide an introduction to trends in youth psychiatric hospitalization, (2) describe the process for developing and the structure of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol, (3) review steps for implementing the Hospital to School Transition Protocol, and (4) utilize four case studies to highlight implementation of this protocol in practice. Implementation of the hospital to school transition process is best supported by ongoing coaching and technical assistance, including learning from other schools and districts who have engaged in this work. Please complete this form to request a blank copy of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol for your own use.
We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Thank you to the Boston Children's Hospital Collaboration for Community Health for funding this project!
Hospital to School Transition Module 1: Supporting the Hospital to School Transition
Length: 27 minutes
Description of content: This module will (1) provide an introduction to trends in youth psychiatric hospitalization, (2) describe the process for developing and the structure of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol, (3) review steps for implementing the Hospital to School Transition Protocol, and (4) provide an overview of the remainder of the modules in this hospital to school transition series.
Please complete this form to request a blank copy of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol for your own use. We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Hospital to School Transition Module 2: Supporting the Hospital to School Transition: Case Study: Grey
Length: 22 minutes
Description of content: This module will utilize a case study to describe the implementation of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol in practice. Grey is an 11th grade student who identifies as Latinx and transgender. Grey was just hospitalized for the 4th time and has displayed suicidal behavior since the age of 12.
Please see here for a sample protocol filled out for Grey. Please complete this form to request a blank copy of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol for your own use. We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Hospital to School Transition Module 3: Supporting the Hospital to School Transition: Case Study: Blossom
Length: 23 minutes
Description of content: This module will utilize a case study to describe the implementation of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol in practice. Blossom is a 7th grade student who identifies as Asian, White, and female. Blossom has been to the emergency room several times this month for self-injury and suicidal thoughts and is on the waitlist for a partial hospitalization program.
Please see here for a sample protocol filled out for Blossom. Please complete this form to request a blank copy of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol for your own use. We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Hospital to School Transition Module 4: Supporting the Hospital to School Transition: Case Study: Jaden
Length: 25 minutes
Description of content: This module will utilize a case study to describe the implementation of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol in practice. Jaden is a 2nd grade student who identifies as African American and male. Jaden has displayed suicidal and aggressive behavior at school. He was recently brought to the emergency room and was admitted to a Community Based Acute Treatment (CBAT) program for 10 days.
Please see here for a sample protocol filled out for Jaden. Please complete this form to request a blank copy of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol for your own use. We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Hospital to School Transition Module 5: Supporting the Hospital to School Transition: Case Study: Larry
Length: 26 minutes
Description of content: This module will utilize a case study to describe the implementation of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol in practice. Larry is a 12th grade student who identifies as White and male. He was rushed to the hospital after an opioid overdose and was discharged after 24 hours with recommendations for outpatient care.
Please see here for a sample protocol filled out for Larry. Please complete this form to request a blank copy of the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol for your own use. We would greatly value hearing your feedback related to these modules. Please provide your feedback using this form after viewing.
Universal Behavioral Health Screening Modules

The purpose of these screening modules is to provide basic information about universal social, emotional, and behavioral screening as school or district teams prepare to implement screening, fine tune and problem solve around existing screening practices, and engage in planning around linking screening data to intervention. Implementation of universal screening is best supported by ongoing coaching and technical assistance, including learning from other schools and districts who have engaged in universal screening.
The BIRCh team highly values your feedback about our online learning modules. Please complete this evaluation form to give us your feedback after viewing our online learning.
Screening Module 1: Introduction to Screening: Screening With An Equity Lens
Length: 20 minutes
Description of content: This module will provide a brief introduction to universal social, emotional, and behavioral (SEB) screening including what it is, SEB screening within the current crisis of racism and inequity in this country, and provide an overview of the remainder of the modules in this screening series.
Screening Module 2: Prerequisites to Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Screening
Length: 28 minutes
Module 2 describes prerequisites to SEB screening in the form of action steps that school teams should consider prior to rolling out screening administration including: 1) assembling a school mental health team and who should be on that team, including roles and responsibilities, 2) stakeholder buy-in and feedback, 3) identifying screening objectives, 4) using data before and during screening, 5) Identifying how data will be used, 6) developing consent and assent procedures and 7) data sharing.
Screening Module 3: Screening Approaches
Length: 54 minutes
Module 3 outlines screening approaches. It goes into further detail about why screening is important and screening approaches that are available. It discusses those approaches in the context of school or district teams considering if the screening approaches are: appropriate, technically adequate, and usable for their communities/populations. It discusses important considerations for evaluating these various screening approaches related to constructs being measured by the approach, informants which refers to who completes the screener, and procedures involved in the approach.
Screening Module 4: Selecting a Universal Screener
Length: 14 minutes
Module 4 describes a process to use in selecting a screener. It uses three questions to guide this process related to the: 1) technical adequacy of the screening tool, more specifically is the screener evidence-based?, 2) contextual appropriateness of the screener: does the screener fit our specific needs?, and 3) usability and feasibility of the screener: how easily can the screener be implemented?
Screening Module 5: Screening Administration
Length: 35 minutes
Module 5 discusses details of best practices around screening administration that school and district teams should consider prior to and during administration including informing students and families about screening procedures in advance, obtaining student/parent consent, rolling out initial screening efforts gradually, planning logistics of screening administration, identifying resources for screening administration, a plan for responding to risk of harm to self and others reported by informants who are completing screening, and identifying resources and logistics such as staffing, the choice of informants, timing of administration, and frequency of administration
Screening Module 6: Screening Data
Length: 23 minutes
Module 6 describes components to consider related to the screening data before administration including how are screening data going to be collected and then stored, how are the screening results going to be accessed after they are collected, how are data going to kept private so that only team members who need to view the data will have access, and how are data going to be shared with stakeholders both at the aggregate level to show overall themes and on a more individual student level related to strengths and needs. Additionally responding to items involving assessment of risk is discussed both for the system and for individual students.
Screening Module 7: Using, Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Screening Data
Length: 1 hour, 4 minutes
Module 7 describes processes for using SEB data to inform school-wide processes and individual student level intervention. This module reviews the purpose of screening and describes two processes teams can utilize to guide their use of SEB screening data. The first is a Standardized Targeted Intervention Protocol. It reviews using a resource map to identify existing school resources/interventions available, discusses entry criteria including how we select students to receive each intervention, outcome measures, and exit criteria to indicate whether the student has responded effectively to the intervention. It also discusses collaboration with community providers as a component of responding to needs identified based on screening data. This module also discusses using SEB data in a Problem-Solving Model.
Screening Module 8: District Level Screening Considerations: COMING SOON!
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