UMass Boston

Off-Campus Resources

Resources that are available to members of the Boston-area community.

  • Foster Care Transition Toolkit | This toolkit serves to inspire and support youth currently in foster care and young adults who have aged out of care to pursue college and career opportunities. As students prepare to transition to adult life in today’s economy, it’s important to be prepared to independently make decisions, advocate for personal needs, manage financial or health concerns as well as secure housing and transportation.
  • Bottom Line | Bottom Line was founded on the belief that students need a mentor and a guide during the college application process and throughout college to succeed. By providing consistent one-on-one support, Bottom Line has helped thousands of first-generation students from low-income backgrounds stay in college and complete their degrees. Bottom Line is a non-profit organization that is nearly 100% privately funded; they are currently serving over 8,000 students in their journeys to college.
  • Massachusetts Women of Color Coalition | The Massachusetts Women of Color Coalition started in 2015 by two inspired women. The group’s goal is to eradicate the racial and sexual inequalities women of color receive in education, criminal justice, politics and health.  This program is sued to maximize the benefits for women in the common wealth community.
  • NAACP Boston | The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality and rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. The Boston NAACP chapter was established in 1911 and is widely recognized as the first chartered branch of the NAACP in the country.
  • Southern Poverty Law Center | The SPLC is a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements, and advance the human rights of all people.
  • Freedom House | Freedom House was created to transform the economic and cultural fabric of high-need communities through education and leadership development. Their core values include legacy, progress, and persistence; education; diversity and cultural competency; leadership; integrity and accountability.
  • Union of Minority Neighborhoods | Union of Minority Neighborhoods organizes and trains people of color and low-income people to end discriminatory policies and practices that limit our access to political, economic and social power.
  • My Brother’s Keeper Boston | My Brother's Keeper Boston plans to disrupt social, economic, and educational barriers. The MBK initiative will tackle these challenges through the following four main impact areas: education, workforce development, pathways towards success, and community-based organizational (CBO) funding.
  • LiteWork | LiteWork is an organization created by Boston University Alumni, Brockton native Farrah Belizaire. This organization allows for young professionals of color to come together and network in the Boston urban community. This allows for young people of color with common interest to work together in order to accomplish their dreams and desires with peers around who can assist in their success. 
  • Young Professionals Network Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts | YPN-ULEM purpose is to offer young of color, professionals ages 19-40 in Massachusetts the opportunity of networking, volunteering and professional development. The program assist with career development while giving back to the community they live in.
  • Ladies Involved In Putting A Stop To Inner-City Killing (LIPSTICK) | Lipstick is an organization that allows for the black women of Boston to come together and help put an end to violence in the streets of Boston. Women are a used barrier to help men get access to weapons used on the street. Lipstick provides public awareness, social service intervention and community support to empower women to say NO.
  • Black Women’s Health Imperative | Founded in 1982, Black Women’s Health Imperative is a national organization dedicated to improving the health and wellness of Black women across the globe. The mission of this organization is to improve the way women of color are treated in the health field by advocating health promoting policies and started new health programs. The organization has a group called My Sisters Keeper which allows for black women in college to be a voice for women on their campus and in their community.
  • Trans People of Color Coalition | The Trans People of Color Coalition (TPOCC) is an organization founded by attorney, professor and activist Kylar Broadus. TPOCC is a national social justice organization that promotes the interest of trans people of color. 
  • Mothers For Justice and Equality | MJE is an organization that was founded in 2010 by mothers who lost their children due to violence. MJE allows for women to work together to decrease the amount of violence in the Boston Community. The organization empowers the children, youth and adult’s to take a stance in changing their schools, homes and communities by showing them their value of life.
  • Louis D. Brown Peace Institution | Founded in 1994, the. Louis D. Brown Peace Institution goal is to teach young adults how to deal with trauma and grief while also teaching the value of peace. The organization provides healing workshop services, mentorship group for women ages 13-22, a group for men ages 16 and up who have been impacted by violence with much more.